ArangoDB v3.10 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent stable version.

Oasisctl Create Backup Policy

oasisctl create backup policy

Create a new backup policy

oasisctl create backup policy [flags]


      --additional-region-ids strings   Add backup to the specified addition regions
      --day-of-the-month int32          Run the backup on the specified day of the month (1-31) (default 1)
      --deployment-id string            ID of the deployment
      --description string              Description of the backup policy
      --email-notification string       Email notification setting (Never|FailureOnly|Always)
      --every-interval-hours int32      Schedule should run with an interval of the specified hours (1-23)
      --friday                          If set, a backup will be created on Fridays.
  -h, --help                            help for policy
      --hours int32                     Hours part of the time of day (0-23)
      --minutes int32                   Minutes part of the time of day (0-59)
      --minutes-offset int32            Schedule should run with specific minutes offset (0-59)
      --monday                          If set, a backup will be created on Mondays
      --name string                     Name of the deployment
      --paused                          The policy is paused
      --retention-period int            Backups created by this policy will be automatically deleted after the specified retention period. A value of 0 means that backup will never be deleted.
      --saturday                        If set, a backup will be created on Saturdays
      --schedule-type string            Schedule of the policy (Hourly|Daily|Monthly)
      --sunday                          If set, a backup will be created on Sundays
      --thursday                        If set, a backup will be created on Thursdays
      --time-zone string                The time-zone this time of day applies to (empty means UTC). Names MUST be exactly as defined in RFC-822. (default "UTC")
      --tuesday                         If set, a backup will be created on Tuesdays
      --upload                          The backup should be uploaded
      --wednesday                       If set, a backup will be created on Wednesdays

Options Inherited From Parent Commands

      --endpoint string   API endpoint of the ArangoDB Oasis (default "")
      --format string     Output format (table|json) (default "table")
      --token string      Token used to authenticate at ArangoDB Oasis

See also