ArangoDB v3.10 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent stable version.

Release Notes

You can directly navigate to the information about changes in a specific version of ArangoDB by following the links of this overview

What’s New

For a high level list of changes, please refer to one of the following sections:


For a detailed list of changes to the ArangoDB core programs and tools, please refer to the version specific changelogs:

Additional changelogs for tools not included in the main repository:

Incompatible changes

For a list of incompatible changes, please refer to one of the following sections.

API Changes

For an overview of changes to ArangoDB’s interfaces, have a look at below sections. The HTTP API part is especially relevant for driver maintainers.

Known Issues

For a list of known issues, please refer to one of the following sections: