Audit logging

Audit logs capture interactions with the database system and allow you to check who accessed it, what actions were performed, and how the system responded

ArangoDB Enterprise Edition

A similar feature is also available in the ArangoGraph Insights Platform.


To enable audit logging, set the --audit.output startup option to either a file path (file://<path-to-file>) or a syslog server (syslog://<facility>).

For information about the startup options for audit logging, see ArangoDB Server Options.

Log format

The general format of audit logs is as follows:

<time-stamp> | <server> | <topic> | <username> | <database> | <client-ip> | <authentication> | <text1> | <text2> | ...
  • time-stamp: When the event occurred. The timezone is GMT. This allows you to easily match log entries from servers in different timezones.

  • server: The server name. You can specify a custom name on startup with the --audit.hostname startup option. Otherwise, the default hostname is used.

  • topic: The log topic of the entry. A topic can be suppressed via the --log.level startup option or the HTTP API.

  • username: The (authenticated or unauthenticated) name supplied by the client. A dash (-) indicates that no name was given by the client.

  • database: The database that was accessed. Note that there are no database-crossing queries. Each access is restricted to one database in ArangoDB.

  • client-ip: The source network address of the request.

  • authentication: The method used to authenticate the user.

  • Details about the request in the additional fields. Any additional fields (e.g. text1 and text2) are determined by the type of log message. Most messages include a status of ok or failed.


Unless otherwise noted, all events are logged to their respective topics at the INFO level. To suppress events from a given topic, set the topic to the WARNING level or higher. By default, each topic is set to the INFO level. You need to set a more verbose level for some topics to log all events.

The examples for different topics listed below are not exhaustive.


Unknown authentication methods

2016-10-03 15:44:23 | server1 | audit-authentication | n/a | database1 | | n/a | unknown authentication method | /_api/version

This message occurs when a request contains an Authorization header with an unknown authentication method. Typically, only basic and bearer are accepted.

Missing credentials

2016-10-03 15:39:49 | server1 | audit-authentication | n/a | database1 | | n/a | credentials missing | /_api/version

This message occurs when authentication is enabled and a request omits an Authorization header. Note that this may naturally occur when making an initial request to e.g. log in or load the web interface. For this reason, such low-priority events are logged at the DEBUG level.

Wrong credentials

2016-10-03 17:21:22 | server1 | audit-authentication | root | database1 | | http jwt | user 'root' wrong credentials  | /_open/auth

This message occurs when a user makes an attempt to log in with incorrect credentials, or passes a JWT with invalid credentials.

Note that the user given as fourth part is the user that requested the login. In general, it may be unavailable:

2016-10-03 15:47:26 | server1 | audit-authentication | n/a | database1 | | http basic | credentials wrong | /_api/version

JWT login succeeded

2016-10-03 17:21:22 | server1 | audit-authentication | root | database1 | | http jwt | user 'root' authenticated | /_open/auth

The message occurs when a user successfully logs in and is given a JWT token for further use.

Note that the user given as fourth part is the user that requested the login.


Internal low-priority operations are logged to the audit-authorization topic at the DEBUG level.

User not authorized to access database

2016-10-03 16:20:52 | server1 | audit-authorization | user1 | database2 | | http basic | not authorized | /_api/version

This message occurs when a user attempts to access a database in a manner in which they have not been granted access.


Database created

2016-10-04 15:33:25 | server1 | audit-database | user1 | database1 | | http basic | create database 'database1' | ok | /_api/database

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to create a database. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.

Database dropped

2016-10-04 15:33:25 | server1 | audit-database | user1 | database1 | | http basic | delete database 'database1' | ok | /_api/database

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to drop a database. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.


Collection created

2016-10-05 17:35:57 | server1 | audit-collection | user1 | database1 | | http basic | create collection 'collection1' | ok | /_api/collection

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to create a collection. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.

Collection truncated

2016-10-05 17:36:08 | server1 | audit-collection | user1 | database1 | | http basic | truncate collection 'collection1' | ok | /_api/collection/collection1/truncate

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to truncate a collection. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.

Collection dropped

2016-10-05 17:36:30 | server1 | audit-collection | user1 | database1 | | http basic | delete collection 'collection1' | ok | /_api/collection/collection1

This message occur whenever a user attempts to drop a collection. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.


Index created

2016-10-05 18:19:40 | server1 | audit-collection | user1 | database1 | | http basic | create index in 'collection1' | ok | {"fields":["a"],"sparse":false,"type":"persistent","unique":false} | /_api/index?collection=collection1

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to create an index. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.

Index dropped

2016-10-05 18:18:28 | server1 | audit-collection | user1 | database1 | | http basic | drop index 'collection1/44051' | ok | /_api/index/collection1/44051

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to drop an index. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.


If statistics are enabled, the system will periodically perform several document operations on a few system collections. These low-priority operations are logged to the audit-document topic at the DEBUG level.

Single document read

2016-10-04 12:27:55 | server1 | audit-document | user1 | database1 | | http basic | read document in 'collection1' | ok | /_api/document/collection1

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to read a document. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.

Single document created

2016-10-04 12:27:55 | server1 | audit-document | user1 | database1 | | http basic | create document in 'collection1' | ok | /_api/document/collection1

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to create a document. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.

Single document replaced

2016-10-04 12:28:08 | server1 | audit-document | user1 | database1 | | http basic | replace document 'collection1/21456' | ok | /_api/document/collection1/21456?ignoreRevs=false

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to replace a document. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.

Single document updated

2016-10-04 12:28:15 | server1 | audit-document | user1 | database1 | | http basic | modify document 'collection1/21456' | ok | /_api/document/collection1/21456?keepNull=true&ignoreRevs=false

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to update a document. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.

Single document deleted

2016-10-04 12:28:23 | server1 | audit-document | user1 | database1 | | http basic | delete document 'collection1/21456' | ok | /_api/document/collection1/21456?ignoreRevs=false

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to delete a document. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.


2016-10-06 12:12:10 | server1 | audit-document | user1 | database1 | | http basic | query document | ok | for i in collection1 return i | /_api/cursor

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to execute a query. If successful, the status is ok, otherwise failed.

Hot Backups

There are three operations which are put into the audit log with respect to Hot Backups.

Hot Backup created

2020-01-21 15:29:06 | tux | audit-hotbackup | root | n/a | (internal) | n/a | Hotbackup taken with ID 2020-01-21T15:29:06Z_a98422de-03ab-4b94-8ed9-e084bfd4bae1, result: 0

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to create a Hot Backup. If successful, the status is 0, otherwise some numerical error code.

Hot Backup restored

2020-01-21 15:29:42 | tux | audit-hotbackup | root | n/a | (internal) | n/a | Hotbackup restored with ID 2020-01-21T15.29.06Z_a98422de-03ab-4b94-8ed9-e084bfd4bae1, result: 0

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to restore from a Hot Backup. If successful, the status is 0, otherwise some numerical error code.

Hot Backup deleted

2020-01-21 15:32:37 | tux | audit-hotbackup | root | n/a | (internal) | n/a | Hotbackup deleted with ID 2020-01-21T15.32.27Z_cf1e3cb1-32c0-41d2-9a3f-528c9b43cbf9, result: 0

This message occurs whenever a user attempts to delete a Hot Backup. If successful, the status is 0, otherwise some numerical error code.