Incompatible changes in ArangoDB 3.12

Check the following list of potential breaking changes before upgrading to this ArangoDB version and adjust any client applications if necessary

License change

ArangoDB changes the licensing model for the ArangoDB source code and the Community Edition, starting with version 3.12.

The Apache 2.0 license is replaced by the source-available Business Source License 1.1 (BUSL-1.1). The full license text is available on GitHub: 

The official, prepackaged ArangoDB Community Edition binaries are now governed by a new ArangoDB Community License, which limits the use for commercial purposes to a 100 GB limit on dataset size in production within a single cluster and a maximum of three clusters.

For details, see the Evolving ArangoDB’s Licensing Model for a Sustainable Future  blog post.

Resolving known issues with versions prior to 3.12.4

Due to issues with the versions 3.12.0 through 3.12.3 and prior to 3.11.11, please read the information below and follow the linked procedures to avoid a potential problem. Not following these procedures can cause your deployment to become read-only in rare cases.

If you are a paying customer with a self-hosted deployment, contact the ArangoDB support for direct assistance. ArangoGraph customers do not need to take any action.

Two issues have been discovered that require action:

Who should check for a potential issue:

  • Deployments created with a version prior to 3.12.4

Deployments not impacted:

  • Deployments created with 3.12.4 or later

Overview of impact

There is a risk of the RocksDB storage engine entering a state where no write operations are possible anymore, should it discover index entries that are in an unexpected order.

This can occur at any time, even if a previous check reported no affected indexes, as there is no protection against storing and indexing data that may cause issues. To prevent RocksDB from becoming read-only at some point in the future, it is essential to follow the linked procedures.

It is recommended to schedule a maintenance time window for taking the ArangoDB deployment offline to perform the upgrade procedure in the safest possible manner.

Paths to resolution:

Current versionResolved versionSteps to take
3.11.10 (or older)3.11.11 (or newer 3.11.x)Create a backup, upgrade normally (following the standard Upgrade path all the way to the latest 3.11.x version), then check for affected numbers in indexes and fix them.
3.11.11 (or newer 3.11.x)3.12.4 (or newer)Do not upgrade to version 3.12.0, 3.12.1, 3.12.2, or 3.12.3. Create a backup, upgrade to the latest 3.11.x version first, then check for affected numbers in indexes, fix them (if you haven’t done so already or created the deployment with 3.11.11 or a later 3.11.x version), and finally upgrade to version 3.12.4 or later.
3.12.0 or (or newer)Do not upgrade to version 3.12.1, 3.12.2, or 3.12.3. Create a backup, then upgrade to version 3.12.4 or later. Check for affected strings in indexes. If affected, create a new deployment using 3.12.4 or later and restore the backup.
3.12.2 or (or newer)Create a backup, then check for affected numbers in indexes and fix them. Restore a backup to a test deployment, upgrade it to version 3.12.4 (or later), and check for affected strings in indexes. Drop affected indexes in the production deployment before you upgrade it. See the link for details.

Native Windows and macOS support removed

The native platform support for the Windows and macOS operating systems has been removed and ArangoDB packages for Windows (installers, ZIP archives) and macOS (DMG packages, tar.gz archives) are not provided anymore.

You can use the official Docker images  instead, to run ArangoDB in Linux containers, with Docker Desktop , for instance.

The following Windows-specific startup options have been removed from arangod:

  • --start-service
  • --install-service
  • --uninstall-service
  • --servicectl-start
  • --servicectl-start-wait
  • --servicectl-stop
  • --servicectl-stop-wait

Furthermore, the following arangosh startup option has been removed:

  • --console.code-page

The deprecated setting 5 (WinCrypt) for the --random.generator startup option in the server and client tools has now been removed.

Active Failover deployment mode removed

Running a single server with asynchronous replication to one or more passive single servers for automatic failover is no longer supported from v3.12 onward.

You can use cluster deployments instead, which offer better resilience and synchronous replication. Also see the OneShard feature.

See Single instance vs. Cluster deployments for details about how a cluster deployment differs and how to migrate to it.

Datacenter-to-Datacenter Replication (DC2DC) removed

The Datacenter-to-Datacenter Replication (DC2DC) for clusters including the arangosync tool is no longer supported from v3.12 onward.

Pregel removed

The distributed iterative graph processing (Pregel) system is no longer supported from v3.12 onward.

In detail, the following functionalities have been removed:

  • All Pregel graph algorithms
  • The PREGEL_RESULT() AQL function
  • The @arangodb/pregel JavaScript API module
  • The Pregel HTTP API (/_api/control_pregel/*)
  • All arangodb_pregel_* metrics
  • The pregel log topic
  • The --pregel.max-parallelism, --pregel.min-parallelism, and --pregel.parallelism startup options

LDAP authentication support removed

Support for ArangoDB user authentication with an LDAP server in the Enterprise Edition has been removed.

  • All --ldap.* and --ldap2.* startup options have been removed
  • The --server.local-authentication startup option has been obsoleted and will be fully removed in a future version
  • The --server.authentication-timeout startup option that mainly controlled the caching for LDAP authentication now only controls the cluster-internal authentication caching and shouldn’t be touched
  • The ldap log topic is no longer available and specifying it in the --log.level startup option raises a warning
  • The ERROR_LDAP_* error codes with the numbers in the range from 1800 through 1820 have been removed

Little-endian on-disk key format for the RocksDB storage engine unsupported

ArangoDB 3.12 does not support the little-endian on-disk key for the RocksDB storage engine anymore.

The little-endian on-disk key format was used for deployments that were created with either ArangoDB 3.2 or 3.3 when using the RocksDB storage engine. Since ArangoDB 3.4, a big-endian on-disk key format is used for the RocksDB storage engine, which is more performant than the little-endian format.

Deployments that were set up with the RocksDB storage engine using ArangoDB 3.2 or 3.3 and that have been upgraded since then still use the old format. This should not affect many users because the default storage engine in ArangoDB 3.2 and 3.3 was the MMFiles storage engine. Furthermore, deployments that have been recreated from a dump using arangodump since ArangoDB 3.4 are not affected because restoring a dump into a fresh deployment also makes ArangoDB use the big-endian on-disk format.

ArangoDB 3.11 logs a warning message during startup when the little-endian on-disk format is in use, but it still supports using the little-endian key format for almost all operations, with the following exceptions:

  • Parallel index creation is disabled when the little-endian key format is used. Indexes are always created using a single thread.
  • The experimental version of arangodump (invocable via the --use-experimental-dump startup option) does not work. You can still use the traditional arangodump version, which is the default anyway.

ArangoDB 3.12 and later refuse to start when detecting that the little-endian on-disk is in use, so users that still use this format must migrate to the big-endian on-disk key format before upgrading to 3.12.

The migration can be performed as follows:

  1. Create a full logical backup of the database using arangodump
  2. Stop the database servers in the deployment
  3. Wipe the existing database directories
  4. Restart the servers in the deployment
  5. Restore the logical dump into the deployment using arangodump

It is not sufficient to take a hot backup of a little-endian deployment and restore it because when restoring a hot backup, the original database format is restored as it was at time of the backup.

VelocyStream protocol removed

ArangoDB’s own bi-directional asynchronous binary protocol VelocyStream is no longer supported.

The server immediately closes the connection if you attempt to use the VelocyStream protocol. If you specify any scheme starting with vst in the --server.endpoint startup option of a client tool, the HTTP protocol is used instead.

The following metrics related to VelocyStream have been removed:

  • arangodb_request_body_size_vst
  • arangodb_vst_connections_total

VelocyPack remains as ArangoDB’s binary storage format and you can continue to use it in transport over the HTTP protocol, as well as use JSON over the HTTP protocol.

Incompatibilities due to switch to glibc

From version 3.11.10 onward, ArangoDB uses the glibc C standard library implementation instead of libmusl. Even though glibc is statically linked into the ArangoDB server and client tool executables, it may load additional modules at runtime that are installed on your system. Under rare circumstances, it is possible that ArangoDB crashes when performing host name or address lookups. This is only the case if all of the following conditions are true:

  • You either use ArangoDB version 3.11.10 (non-hotfix) or 3.12.0, or you use a 3.11 version from 3.11.10-1 onward respectively 3.12.1 or any later version with the --honor-nsswitch startup option enabled.
  • You use an ArangoDB package on bare metal (not a Docker container)
  • Your operating system uses glibc (like Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat, Centos, or most other Linux distributions, but not Alpine for instance)
  • The glibc version of your system is different than the one used by ArangoDB, in particular if the system glibc is older than version 2.35
  • The libnss-* dynamic libraries are installed
  • The /etc/nsswitch.conf configuration file contains settings other than for files and dns in the hosts: line, or the passwd: and group: lines contain something other than files

If you are affected, consider using Docker containers, chroot, or change nsswitch.conf.

JavaScript Transactions deprecated

Server-side transactions written in JavaScript and executed via the db._executeTransaction() method of the JavaScript API or the POST /_api/transaction endpoint of the HTTP API are deprecated from v3.12.0 onward and will be removed in a future version.

You can use Stream Transactions instead in most cases, and in some cases AQL can be sufficient.

Default server language changed

ArangoDB initializes its storage (the so called database directory) when running for the first time, typically when creating a new deployment. You can specify a locale for the initialization with the --icu-language startup option (or with the deprecated --default-language startup option). The server language that you set this way affects the sorting and comparison behavior for text globally, with a few exceptions like the collation Analyzer.

If you don’t specify a language using a startup option, the LANG environment variable is checked. If it’s not set or has an invalid value, the effective fallback locale used to be en_US in ArangoDB v3.11 and older versions. From v3.12.0 onward, the default is en_US_POSIX (also known as the C locale). It has a slightly different sorting behavior compared to en_US.

When upgrading existing deployments to v3.12, the database directory is already initialized and has the server language locked in. If the locale is en_US before the upgrade, it is also en_US after the upgrade. Therefore, the sorting behavior remains unchanged. However, new deployments use the en_US_POSIX locale by default. If you, for instance, restore a v3.11 dump into a new v3.12 instance, the sorting behavior may change. You may want to set a server language explicitly when initializing the v3.12 instance to retain a specific sorting behavior.

Incompatibilities with Unicode text between core and JavaScript

ArangoDB 3.12 uses the ICU library for Unicode handling in version 64 for its core (ArangoSearch, AQL, RocksDB) but version 73 in JavaScript contexts. If you compare or sort string values with JavaScript and with the core, the values may not match between the two or have a different order. This is due to changes in the Unicode standard and the binary representation of strings for comparisons.

You can be affected if you use JavaScript-based features like Foxx microservices or user-defined AQL functions (UDFs), compare or sort strings in them, and Unicode characters for which the standard has changed between the two ICU versions are involved.

Stricter option validation when creating collections

Some invalid attributes and values that you can specify in the HTTP API when creating collections are no longer allowed. Previous versions ignored these invalid options. See API Changes in ArangoDB 3.12 for details.

Control character escaping in audit log

The audit log feature of the Enterprise Edition previously logged query strings verbatim. Control characters, in particular line breaks, can cause issues with parsing the audit log. They are now escaped for query strings which often contain line breaks.

Higher reported memory usage for AQL queries

Due to the improved memory accounting in v3.12, certain AQL queries may now get aborted because they exceed the defined memory limit but didn’t get killed in previous versions. This is because of the more accurate memory tracking that reports a higher (actual) usage now. It allows ArangoDB to more reliably detect and kill queries that go over the per-query and global query memory limit, potentially preventing out-of-memory crashes of arangod processes.

In particular, AQL queries that perform write operations now report a significantly higher peakMemoryUsage than before. This is also reflected in the arangodb_aql_global_memory_usage metric. Memory used for ArangoSearch SEARCH operations is now also accounted for in the metric.

You may need to adjust affected queries to use less memory or increase the per-query limit with the memoryLimit query option or its default using the --query.memory-limit startup option. You can adjust the global limit with the startup option.

Adjustable Stream Transaction size

Stream Transactions may now be limited to smaller transaction sizes because the maximum transaction size can now be configured with the --transaction.streaming-max-transaction-size startup option. The default value remains 128 MiB (up to v3.12.3) but configuring a lower limit can cause previously working Stream Transactions to fail. From v3.12.4 onward, the default value is 512 MiB.

Exit code adjustments

Introduced in: v3.10.13, v3.11.7

For some fatal errors like a required database upgrade or a failed version check, arangod set the generic exit code of 1. It now returns a different, more specific exit code in these cases.

Validation of smartGraphAttribute in SmartGraphs

Introduced in: v3.10.13, v3.11.7

The attribute defined by the smartGraphAttribute graph property is not allowed to be changed in the documents of SmartGraph vertex collections. This is now strictly enforced. See API Changes in ArangoDB 3.12 for details and instructions on how to repair affected attributes.

Dropping graph collections disallowed

Dropping a collection now strictly enforces that graph definitions remain intact. Previously, it was allowed to drop collections that were part of an existing graph. Trying to do so now results in the error ERROR_GRAPH_MUST_NOT_DROP_COLLECTION with the number 1942.

This may require changes in the client application code that drops individual collections from graphs for clean-up purposes. You can drop an entire graph and its collections along with it, as long as they aren’t used in another graph. To remove individual collections, update or remove edge definitions first to not include the desired collections anymore. In case of vertex collections, they become orphan collections that you need to remove from the graph definition as well to drop the collections.

Short-circuiting subquery evaluation

Introduced in: v3.12.1

Subqueries you use in ternary expressions are no longer executed unconditionally before the condition is evaluated. Only the subquery of the branch that is taken effectively executes.

Similarly, when you use subqueries as sub-expressions that are combined with logical AND or OR, the subqueries are now evaluated lazily.

If you rely on the previous behavior of v3.12.0 or older, you need to rewrite affected AQL queries so that the subqueries are executed first.

For example, the following query with a subquery in the false branch of a ternary operator only creates a new document if the condition evaluates to false from v3.12.1 onward:

RETURN RAND() > 0.5 ? "yes" : (INSERT {} INTO coll RETURN "no")[0]

To restore the behavior of v3.12.0 and older where the subquery is always executed, pull the subquery out of the ternary operator expression and save the result to a variable, then use this variable where the subquery used to be:

LET tmp = (INSERT {} INTO coll RETURN "no")[0]
RETURN RAND() > 0.5 ? "yes" : tmp

This also applies to expressions that are combined with logical AND or OR. A subquery to the right-hand side of an AND is effectively only executed if the expression to the left-hand side is truthy, and with an OR, the right-hand side is effectively only executed if the left-hand side is falsy from v3.12.1 onward.

RETURN RAND() > 0.5 && (INSERT {} INTO coll RETURN 42)[0]

To execute the subquery regardless of the left-hand side expression, execute the subquery first:

LET tmp = (INSERT {} INTO coll RETURN 42)[0]
RETURN RAND() > 0.5 && tmp

Also see What’s New in 3.12 and Evaluation of subqueries for more information.

Corrected sorting order for numbers in VelocyPack indexes

Introduced in: v3.11.11, v3.12.2

Issues with the comparison of large indexed numbers

If you store very large numeric values in ArangoDB – greater than/equal to 253 (9,007,199,254,740,992) or less than/equal to -253 (-9,007,199,254,740,992) – and index them with an affected index type, the values may not be in the correct order. This is due to how the comparison is executed in versions before v3.11.11 and v3.12.2. If the numbers are represented using different VelocyPack types internally, they are converted to doubles and then compared. This conversion is lossy for integers with a very large absolute value, resulting in an incorrect ordering of the values.

The possibly affected index types are the following that allow storing VelocyPack data in them:

  • persistent (including vertex-centric indexes)
  • mdi-prefixed (but not mdi indexes; only available from v3.12.0 onward)
  • hash (legacy alias for persistent indexes)
  • skiplist (legacy alias for persistent indexes)
The incorrect sort order in an index can lead to the RocksDB storage engine discovering out-of-order keys and then refusing further write operations with errors and warnings.

To prevent ArangoDB deployments from entering a read-only mode due to this issue, please follow the below procedures to check if your deployment is affected and how to correct it if necessary.

Check if you are affected

The following procedure is recommended for every deployment unless it has been created with v3.11.11, v3.12.2, or any later version.

  1. Create a backup as a precaution. If you run the Enterprise Edition, you can create a Hot Backup. Otherwise, create a full dump with arangodump (including all databases and system collections).

  2. If your deployment is on a 3.11.x version older than 3.11.11, upgrade to the latest 3.11 version that is available.

    If your deployment is on version 3.12.0 or 3.12.1, upgrade to the latest 3.12 version that is available but be sure to also read about the string sorting issue in Resolving known issues with versions prior to 3.12.4 and the linked upgrade procedures.

  3. Call the GET /_admin/cluster/vpackSortMigration/check endpoint to let ArangoDB check all indexes. As it can take a while for large deployments, it is recommended to run this operation as an asynchronous job (x-arango-async: store header) so that you can check the result later.

    The endpoint is available for all deployment modes, not only in clusters. In case of a cluster, send the request to one of the Coordinators. Example with ArangoDB running locally on the default port:

    curl --dump-header - -H "x-arango-async: store" http://localhost:8529/_admin/cluster/vpackSortMigration/check
  4. Inspect the response to find the job ID in the X-Arango-Async-Id HTTP header. The job ID is 12345 in the following example:

    HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
    X-Arango-Queue-Time-Seconds: 0.000000
    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
    Expires: 0
    Pragma: no-cache
    Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0, s-maxage=0
    Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'; form-action 'self';
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    X-Arango-Async-Id: 12345
    Server: ArangoDB
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    Content-Length: 0
  5. Call the PUT /_api/job/12345 endpoint, substituting 12345 with your actual job ID. It returns nothing if the job is still ongoing. You can repeat this call every once in a while to check again.

    curl -XPUT http://localhost:8529/_api/job/12345
  6. If there are no issues with your deployment, the check result reports an empty list of affected indexes and an according message.

      "error": false,
      "code": 200,
      "result": {
        "affected": [],
        "error": false,
        "errorCode": 0,
        "errorMessage": "all good with sorting order"

    If this is the case, continue with If the deployment is NOT affected.

    If affected indexes are found, the check result looks similar to this:

      "error": false,
      "code": 200,
      "result": {
        "affected": [
            "database": "_system",
            "collection": "coll",
            "indexId": 195,
            "indexName": "idx_1806192152446763008"
        "error": true,
        "errorCode": 1242,
        "errorMessage": "some indexes have legacy sorted keys"

    If this is the case, continue with If the deployment is affected.

If the deployment is NOT affected

  1. Make sure that no problematic values are written to or removed from an index between checking for affected indexes and completing the procedure. To be safe, you may want to stop all writes to the database system.

  2. You can perform a regular in-place upgrade and mark the deployment as correct using a special HTTP API endpoint in the next step.

    That is, create a backup and upgrade your deployment to the latest bugfix version with the same major and minor version (e.g. from 3.11.x to at least 3.11.11 or from 3.12.x to at least 3.12.2).

  3. Call the PUT /_admin/cluster/vpackSortMigration/migrate endpoint to mark the deployment as having the correct sorting order. This requires superuser permissions unless authentication is disabled.

    curl -H "Authorization: bearer <superuser-token>" -XPUT http://localhost:8529/_admin/cluster/vpackSortMigration/migrate
      "error": false,
      "code": 200,
      "result": {
        "error": false,
        "errorCode": 0,
        "errorMessage": "VPack sorting migration done."
  4. For the corrected sorting order to take effect, restart the ArangODB server, respectively restart the DB-Servers of the cluster.

  5. Complete the procedure by resuming writes to the database systems.

If the deployment is affected

If you are a customer, please contact the ArangoDB support to assist you with the following steps.
  1. This step depends on the deployment mode:

    • Single server: Create a new server. Then create a full dump with arangodump of the old server, using the --all-databases and --include-system-collections startup options and a user account with administrate access to the _system database and at least read access to all other databases to ensure all data including the _users system collection are dumped.

      Restore the dump to the new single server using at least v3.11.11 or v3.12.4 (v3.12.2 only addresses this but not another issue). You need to use a new database directory.

    • Cluster: Replace the DB-Server nodes until they all run at least v3.11.11 or v3.12.4 (rolling upgrade). Syncing new nodes writes the data in the correct order. This deployment mode and approach avoids downtimes.

      For each DB-Server, add a new DB-Server node to the cluster. Wait until all new DB-Servers are in sync, then clean out the old DB-Server nodes.

  2. New instances using the fixed versions initialize the database directory with the sorting order marked as correct and also restore data from dumps correctly. There is no need to call the .../vpackSortMigration/migrate HTTP API endpoint like in the unaffected case.

  3. If you revert to an older state with affected indexes by restoring a Hot Backup, you need to repeat the procedure.

Changed JSON serialization and VelocyPack format for replication

Introduced in: v3.11.12, v3.12.3

While there is only one number type in JSON, the VelocyPack format that ArangoDB uses supports different numeric data types. When converting between VelocyPack and JSON, it was previously possible for precision loss to occur in edge cases. This also affected creating and restoring dumps with arangodump and arangorestore.

A double (64-bit floating-point) value 1152921504606846976.0 (260) used to be serialized to 1152921504606847000 in JSON, which deserializes back to 1152921504606846976 when using a double. However, the serialized value got parsed as an unsigned integer, resulting in an incorrect value of 1152921504606847000.

Numbers with an absolute value greater or equal to 253 and less than 264 (which always represents an integer) are now serialized faithfully to JSON using an integer conversion routine and then .0 is appended (e.g. 1152921504606846976.0) to ensure that they get parsed back to the exact same double value. All other values are serialized as before, e.g. small integral values don’t get .0 appended, and they get parsed back to integers with the same numerical value.

Moreover, replication-related APIs such as the /_api/wal/tail endpoint now support the VelocyPack format. The cluster replication has been changed to use VelocyPack instead of JSON to avoid unnecessary conversions and avoiding any risk of deviations due to the serialization.

Corrected sorting order for strings in VelocyPack indexes

Introduced in: v3.12.4

Issues with the sorting order of certain strings

If you store certain non-ASCII characters in ArangoDB and index them with an affected index type, the values may not be in the correct order. This is due to differences in the sorting order between different versions of the Unicode standard and how it is implemented in ArangoDB with the ICU library.

From ArangoDB version 3.12.1 onward, a legacy version of ICU is included for compatibility so that you can upgrade from 3.11 or older to 3.12 and maintain the same sorting order. However, it has been found that the order can differ between 3.11 and 3.12 in certain edge cases. This has been corrected in 3.12.4, but it is necessary to check existing indexes for entries in an invalid order and follow a procedure for fixing the indexes.

The possibly affected index types are the following that allow storing VelocyPack data in them:

  • persistent (including vertex-centric indexes)
  • mdi-prefixed (but not mdi indexes)
  • hash (legacy alias for persistent indexes)
  • skiplist (legacy alias for persistent indexes)
The incorrect sort order in an index can lead to the RocksDB storage engine discovering out-of-order keys and then refusing further write operations with errors and warnings. See If the deployment is in read-only mode if you are in this situation.

To prevent ArangoDB deployments from entering a read-only mode due to this issue, please follow the below procedures. It is necessary to check if your deployment is affected twice, before and after upgrading, and you may need to drop indexes before the upgrade.

Before the upgrade

The following procedure is recommended for every deployment unless it has been created with v3.12.4 or any later version.

  1. Create a backup as a precaution. If you run the Enterprise Edition, you can create a Hot Backup. Otherwise, create a full dump with arangodump (including all databases and system collections).

  2. If your deployment is on a 3.11.x version, do not upgrade to 3.12.0, 3.12.1, 3.12.2, or 3.12.3. See Corrected sorting order for numbers in VelocyPack indexes to address another issue, but upgrade to 3.12.4 or later. You are not affected by the string sorting issue with this upgrade path.

    If your deployment is on 3.12.0 or 3.12.1, you should upgrade to 3.12.4, see Corrected sorting order for numbers in VelocyPack indexes, and continue with the next step.

    If your deployment is on 3.12.2 or 3.12.3, see Corrected sorting order for numbers in VelocyPack indexes unless you created it with either of these versions. Continue with the next step either way. Do not upgrade to 3.12.4 in the meantime.

  3. Call the GET /_admin/cluster/vpackSortMigration/check endpoint to let ArangoDB check all indexes. As it can take a while for large deployments, it is recommended to run this operation as an asynchronous job (x-arango-async: store header) so that you can check the result later.

    The endpoint is available for all deployment modes, not only in clusters. In case of a cluster, send the request to one of the Coordinators. Example with ArangoDB running locally on the default port:

    curl --dump-header - -H "x-arango-async: store" http://localhost:8529/_admin/cluster/vpackSortMigration/check
  4. Inspect the response to find the job ID in the X-Arango-Async-Id HTTP header. The job ID is 12345 in the following example:

    HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
    X-Arango-Queue-Time-Seconds: 0.000000
    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
    Expires: 0
    Pragma: no-cache
    Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0, s-maxage=0
    Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'; form-action 'self';
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    X-Arango-Async-Id: 12345
    Server: ArangoDB
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    Content-Length: 0
  5. Call the PUT /_api/job/12345 endpoint, substituting 12345 with your actual job ID. It returns nothing if the job is still ongoing. You can repeat this call every once in a while to check again.

    curl -XPUT http://localhost:8529/_api/job/12345
  6. The check result may report an empty list of affected indexes and an according message. You may still be affected, however.

      "error": false,
      "code": 200,
      "result": {
        "affected": [],
        "error": false,
        "errorCode": 0,
        "errorMessage": "all good with sorting order"

    It may also find affected indexes, with the check result looking similar to this:

      "error": false,
      "code": 200,
      "result": {
        "affected": [
            "database": "_system",
            "collection": "coll",
            "indexId": 195,
            "indexName": "idx_1806192152446763008"
        "error": true,
        "errorCode": 1242,
        "errorMessage": "some indexes have legacy sorted keys"
  7. Continue with the applicable procedure:

Upgrade an Enterprise Edition deployment

  1. Create a Hot Backup if you haven’t done so already.

  2. If the check result shows affected indexes, contact the ArangoDB support immediately. Do not continue and refrain from upgrading.

  3. If no affected indexes are reported, restore the Hot Backup to a new deployment using version 3.12.4 (or later). This deployment is for testing.

  4. Call the GET /_admin/cluster/vpackSortMigration/check endpoint of the test deployment to let ArangoDB check all indexes in the new version.

    Example with the new ArangoDB running locally on port 9529:

    curl --dump-header - -H "x-arango-async: store" http://localhost:9529/_admin/cluster/vpackSortMigration/check
  5. If no affected indexes are found, you can upgrade your production deployment and shut the test deployment down.

    If there are affected indexes, continue with the next step.

  6. Drop the affected indexes in your production deployment, then trigger a full compaction using the HTTP API, setting the compactBottomMostLevel option to true:

    curl --dump-header - -H "x-arango-async: store" -XPUT -d '{"compactBottomMostLevel":true}' http://localhost:8529/_admin/compact

    Using an asynchronous job is recommended because rewriting the data can take a while.

  7. Inspect the response to find the job ID in the X-Arango-Async-Id HTTP header.

    Call the PUT /_api/job/23456 endpoint, substituting 23456 with your actual job ID. It returns HTTP/1.1 204 No Content if the job is still ongoing. You can repeat this call every once in a while to check again.

    curl --dump-header - -XPUT http://localhost:8529/_api/job/12345
  8. When the compaction is done, you see HTTP/1.1 200 OK and {} as the payload.

  9. Verify that you dropped all affected indexes by creating a new Hot Backup, restoring it to another test deployment using version 3.12.4 (or later), and calling the GET /_admin/cluster/vpackSortMigration/check endpoint of this test deployment like you did before.

    If no affected indexes are reported, you can upgrade your production deployment to 3.12.4 (or later) and then recreate the indexes you dropped once the deployment is on the new version.

    If there are still affected indexes, contact the ArangoDB support.

Upgrade a Community Edition deployment

  1. Create a full dump with arangodump if you haven’t done so already.

  2. If the check result shows affected indexes, create a new deployment using version 3.12.4 (or later) and restore the dump. Make the new deployment your production deployment.

  3. If there are no affected indexes, upgrade to version 3.12.4 (or later) and call the GET /_admin/cluster/vpackSortMigration/check endpoint again.

  4. If affected indexes are reported after the upgrade, create a new deployment using version 3.12.4 (or later) and restore the dump. Make the new deployment your production deployment.

  5. If there are no affected indexes, you can keep the existing deployment.

If the deployment is in read-only mode

If you are a customer, please contact the ArangoDB support to assist you with the following steps.
  1. If you encounter the RocksDB “out-of-order keys” error and your deployment is thus in read-only mode, do not try to upgrade or replace servers of the deployment. In particular, do not restart DB-Servers of a cluster deployment with their volumes removed.

  2. Create a full dump with arangodump (including all databases and system collections) if you haven’t done so already.

  3. Create a new deployment using version 3.12.4 or later.

  4. Restore the dump to the new deployment. You can directly move from any 3.11 or 3.12 version to 3.12.4 (or later) this way.


JavaScript-based traversal using /_api/traversal removed

The long-deprecated JavaScript-based traversal functionality has been removed in v3.12.0, including the REST API endpoint /_api/traversal.

The functionality provided by this API was deprecated and unmaintained since v3.4.0. JavaScript-based traversals have been replaced with AQL traversals in v2.8.0. Additionally, the JavaScript-based traversal REST API could not handle larger amounts of data and was thus very limited.

Users of the /_api/traversal REST API should use AQL traversal queries instead.

HTTP server behavior

The following long-deprecated features have been removed from ArangoDB’s HTTP server:

  • overriding the HTTP method by setting one of the HTTP headers:

    • x-http-method
    • x-http-method-override
    • x-method-override

    This functionality posed a potential security risk and was thus removed. Previously, it was only enabled when explicitly starting the server with the --http.allow-method-override startup option. The functionality has now been removed and setting the startup option does nothing.

  • optionally hiding ArangoDB’s server response header. This functionality could optionally be enabled by starting the server with the startup option --http.hide-product-header. The functionality has now been removed and setting the startup option does nothing.

Graph API (Gharial) behavior

  • The PATCH /_api/gharial/{graph}/edge/{collection}/{edge} endpoint to update edges in named graphs now validates the referenced vertex when modifying either the _from or _to edge attribute. Previously, the validation only occurred if both were set in the request.

  • A new error code 1949 with the name TRI_ERROR_GRAPH_VERTEX_COLLECTION_NOT_USED has been added is now returned instead of TRI_ERROR_GRAPH_REFERENCED_VERTEX_COLLECTION_NOT_USED with the code 1947 if you attempt to read from or write to a vertex collection through the graph API but the collection is not part of the graph definition.

  • The error code 1947 with the name TRI_ERROR_GRAPH_REFERENCED_VERTEX_COLLECTION_NOT_USED has been renamed to ERROR_GRAPH_REFERENCED_VERTEX_COLLECTION_NOT_PART_OF_THE_GRAPH. This error is (now only) raised if you attempt to reference a document in the _from or _to attribute of an edge but the document’s collection is not part of the graph definition.

Batch request endpoint removed

Removed in: v3.12.3

The /_api/batch endpoints that let you send multiple operations in a single HTTP request was deprecated in v3.8.0 and has now been removed.

To send multiple documents at once to an ArangoDB instance, please use the HTTP interface for documents that can insert, update, replace, or remove arrays of documents.

JavaScript API

@arangodb/graph/traversal module removed

The long-deprecated JavaScript-based traversal functionality has been removed in v3.12.0, including the bundled @arangodb/graph/traversal JavaScript module.

The functionality provided by this traversal module was deprecated and unmaintained since v3.4.0. JavaScript-based traversals have been replaced with AQL traversals in v2.8.0. Additionally, the JavaScript-based traversals could not handle larger amounts of data and were thus very limited.

Users of the JavaScript-based traversal API should use AQL traversal queries instead.

Graph compatibility functions removed

The following long-deprecated compatibility graph functions have been removed in ArangoDB 3.12. These functions were implemented as JavaScript user-defined AQL functions since ArangoDB 3.0:

  • arangodb::GRAPH_EDGES(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_VERTICES(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_NEIGHBORS(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_COMMON_NEIGHBORS(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_COMMON_PROPERTIES(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_PATHS(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_SHORTEST_PATH(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_DISTANCE_TO(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_ECCENTRICTIY(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_CLOSENESS(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_BETWEENNESS(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_RADIUS(...)
  • arangodb::GRAPH_DIAMETER(...)

These functions were only available previously after explicitly calling the _registerCompatibilityFunctions() function from any of the JavaScript graph modules. The _registerCompatibilityFunctions() exports have also been removed from the JavaScript graph modules.

Startup options

--database.extended-names enabled by default

The --database.extended-names startup option is now enabled by default. This allows you to use Unicode characters inside database names, collection names, view names and index names by default, unless you explicitly turn off the functionality.

Note that once a server in your deployment has been started with the flag set to true, it stores this setting permanently. Switching the startup option back to false raises a warning about the option change at startup, but it is not blockig the startup.

Existing databases, collections, views and indexes with extended names can still be used even with the option set back to false, but no new database objects with extended names can be created with the option disabled. This state is only meant to facilitate downgrading or reverting the option change. When the option is set to false, all database objects with extended names that were created in the meantime should be removed manually.

Changed TTL index removal default

The default value of the --ttl.max-collection-removes startup option has been lowered from 1 million to 100,000. The background thread for time-to-live indexes now removes fewer documents from a collection in each iteration to give other collections a chance of being cleaned up as well.

Increased RocksDB block cache usage

The following startup options are now enabled by default:

  • --rocksdb.reserve-table-builder-memory
  • --rocksdb.reserve-table-reader-memory
  • --rocksdb.reserve-file-metadata-memory

This makes the memory accounting for RocksDB more accurate and helps to not allocate more memory than is configured by tracking the memory use for table building, tabling reading, file metadata, flushes and compactions and including it in the existing rocksdb_block_cache_usage metric.

This slightly decreases performance due to using the block cache for additional things, and you may need to allow ArangoDB to use more memory for the RocksDB block cache than before with the --rocksdb.block-cache-size startup option.

mmap log topic removed

Introduced in: v3.12.1

The mmap log topic for logging information related to memory mapping has been unused since v3.12.0 and has now been removed. Attempts to set the log level for this topic logs a warning, for example, using a startup option like --log.level mmap=trace.

Client tools


This following startup options of arangodump are obsolete from ArangoDB 3.12 on:

Obsolete envelope and tick startup options

  • --envelope: setting this option to true previously wrapped every dumped document into a {data, type} envelope. This was useful for the MMFiles storage engine, where dumps could also include document removals. With the RocksDB storage engine, the envelope only caused overhead and increased the size of the dumps. The default value of --envelope was changed to false in ArangoDB 3.9 already, so by default all arangodump invocations since then created non-envelope dumps. With the option being removed now, all arangodump invocations will unconditionally create non-envelope dumps.
  • --tick-start: setting this option allowed to restrict the dumped data to some time range with the MMFiles storage engine. It had no effect for the RocksDB storage engine and so it is removed now.
  • --tick-end: setting this option allowed to restrict the dumped data to some time range with the MMFiles storage engine. It had no effect for the RocksDB storage engine and so it is removed now.


Maximum number of import errors

The new --max-errors startup option limits the amount of errors displayed by arangoimport, and the import is stopped when this value is reached. The default value is 20.

Previously, the import would continue even when there were many errors. To achieve a similar behavior with the new version, set the value of --max-errors to a high value.

Automatic file format detection

arangoimport now automatically detects the type of the import file based on the file extension. The default value of the --type startup option has been changed from json to auto. You might need to explicitly specify the --type in exceptional cases now whereas it was not necessary to do so previously.

Decreased default batch size

Introduced in: v3.12.4

The default value of the --batch-size startup option has been lowered from 8 MiB to 4 MiB to avoid potential resource limits, in particular when importing to smart edge collections.

jslint feature in arangosh removed

The --jslint startup option and all of the underlying functionality has been removed from arangosh. The feature was mainly for internal purposes.


Batch size option removed

Removed in: v3.12.3

The --batch-size startup option is now ignored by arangobench and no longer has an effect. It allowed you to specify the number of operations to issue in one batch but the batch request API has been removed on the server-side.

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