ArangoDB v3.13 is under development and not released yet. This documentation is not final and potentially incomplete.


Registering a Spring Converter

The ArangoConfiguration provides a convenient way to register Spring Converter by implementing the method customConverters().


public class MyConfiguration implements ArangoConfiguration {

  protected Collection<Converter<?, ?>> customConverters() {
    return Arrays.asList(new MyConverter());


Implementing a Spring Converter

A Converter is used for reading if the source type is of type VPackSlice or DBDocumentEntity.

A Converter is used for writing if the target type is of type VPackSlice, DBDocumentEntity, BigInteger, BigDecimal, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Timestamp, Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime, ZonedDateTime, Boolean, Short, Integer, Byte, Float, Double, Character, String, Date, Class, Enum, boolean[], long[], short[], int[], byte[], float[], double[] or char[].


public class MyConverter implements Converter<MyObject, VPackSlice> {

  public VPackSlice convert(final MyObject source) {
    VPackBuilder builder = new VPackBuilder();
    // map fields of MyObject to builder
    return builder.slice();


For performance reasons VPackSlice should always be used within a converter. If your object is too complex, you can also use DBDocumentEntity to simplify the mapping.