ArangoDB v3.13 is under development and not released yet. This documentation is not final and potentially incomplete.


The features and conventions for mapping Java objects to documents and how to override those conventions with annotation based mapping metadata


  • The Java class name is mapped to the collection name
  • The non-static fields of a Java object are used as fields in the stored document
  • The Java field name is mapped to the stored document field name
  • All nested Java object are stored as nested objects in the stored document
  • The Java class needs a constructor which meets the following criteria:
    • in case of a single constructor:
      • a non-parameterized constructor or
      • a parameterized constructor
    • in case of multiple constructors:
      • a non-parameterized constructor or
      • a parameterized constructor annotated with @PersistenceConstructor

Type mapping

As collections in ArangoDB can contain documents of various types, a mechanism to retrieve the correct Java class is required. The type information of properties declared in a class may not be enough to restore the original class (due to inheritance). If the declared complex type and the actual type do not match, information about the actual type is stored together with the document. This is necessary to restore the correct type when reading from the DB. Consider the following example:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private Address homeAddress;
    // ...

    // getters and setters omitted

public class Employee extends Person {
    private Address workAddress;
    // ...

    // getters and setters omitted

public class Address {
    private final String street;
    private final String number;
    // ...

    public Address(String street, String number) {
        this.street = street;
        this.number = number;

    // getters omitted

public class Company {
    private String key;
    private Person manager;

    // getters and setters omitted

Employee manager = new Employee();
manager.setName("Jane Roberts");
manager.setHomeAddress(new Address("Park Avenue", "432/64"));
manager.setWorkAddress(new Address("Main Street",  "223"));
Company comp = new Company();

The serialized document for the DB looks like this:

  "manager": {
    "name": "Jane Roberts",
    "homeAddress": {
      "street": "Park Avenue",
      "number": "432/64"
    "workAddress": {
      "street": "Main Street",
      "number": "223"
    "_class": "com.arangodb.Employee"
  "_class": "com.arangodb.Company"

Type hints are written for top-level documents (as a collection can contain different document types) as well as for every value if it’s a complex type and a sub-type of the property type declared. Maps and Collections are excluded from type mapping. Without the additional information about the concrete classes used, the document couldn’t be restored in Java. The type information of the manager property is not enough to determine the Employee type. The homeAddress and workAddress properties have the same actual and defined type, thus no type hint is needed.

Customizing type mapping

By default, the fully qualified class name is stored in the documents as a type hint. A custom type hint can be set with the @TypeAlias("my-alias") annotation on an entity. Make sure that it is an unique identifier across all entities. If we would add a TypeAlias("employee") annotation to the Employee class above, it would be persisted as "_class": "employee".

The default type key is _class and can be changed by overriding the typeKey() method of the ArangoConfiguration class.

If you need to further customize the type mapping process, the arangoTypeMapper() method of the configuration class can be overridden. The included DefaultArangoTypeMapper can be customized by providing a list of TypeInformationMapper s that create aliases from types and vice versa.

In order to fully customize the type mapping process you can provide a custom type mapper implementation by extending the DefaultArangoTypeMapper class.

Deactivating type mapping

To deactivate the type mapping process, you can return null from the typeKey() method of the ArangoConfiguration class. No type hints are stored in the documents with this setting. If you make sure that each defined type corresponds to the actual type, you can disable the type mapping, otherwise it can lead to exceptions when reading the entities from the DB.

Security considerations

The default polymorphic type handling strategy used by Spring Data ArangoDB uses the type hint stored in the _class field, which is the fully qualified class name by default.

In particular, when reading a property of type java.lang.Object, any class referenced by the _class field could be instantiated.

In addition, the framework instantiates deserialized objects by invoking constructors with arguments and setting properties invoking the related setters.

This represents a security vulnerability when dealing with untrusted data, which could cause deserialization to arbitrary target classes, trigger gadget chain attacks, and potentially lead to remote code execution. See Insecure deserialization  for details.

Therefore, using the type java.lang.Object for persistent entities properties is strongly discouraged, in particular when used for modeling untrusted data, i.e. arbitrary JSON data coming from web users. Note that this also applies to generics type parameters, i.e. Map<String, Object>, List<Object>, and so on.

As work-around, it is recommended to use specific user-defined types for persistent entities properties.

Properties containing arbitrary JSON data can be safely typed using Jackson types like the following:

  • com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode


Annotation overview

@Documentclassmarks this class as a candidate for mapping
@Edgeclassmarks this class as a candidate for mapping
@Idfieldstores the field as the system field _key
@ArangoIdfieldstores the field as the system field _id
@Revfieldstores the field as the system field _rev
@Field(“alt-name”)fieldstores the field with an alternative name
@Reffieldstores the _id of the referenced document and not the nested document
@Fromfieldstores the _id of the referenced document as the system field _from
@Tofieldstores the _id of the referenced document as the system field _to
@Relationsfieldvertices which are connected over edges
@Transientfield, method, annotationmarks a field to be transient for the mapping framework, thus the property is not persisted and not further inspected by the mapping framework
@PersistenceConstructorconstructormarks a given constructor - even a package protected one - to use when instantiating the object from the database
@TypeAlias(“alias”)classset a type alias for the class when persisted to the DB
@ArangoComputedValueDefinitionclassdescribes a computed value data definition
@ArangoComputedValuefieldmarks the field for the mapping framework so that the property is updated with the value coming from the server and optionally describes a computed value data definition
@PersistentIndexclassdescribes a persistent index
@PersistentIndexedfielddescribes how to index the field
@GeoIndexclassdescribes a geo index
@GeoIndexedfielddescribes how to index the field
@FulltextIndexclassdescribes a fulltext index
@FulltextIndexedfielddescribes how to index the field
@TtlIndexclassdescribes a TTL index
@TtlIndexedfielddescribes how to index the field
@CreatedByfieldDeclares a field as the one representing the principal that created the entity containing the field.
@CreatedDatefieldDeclares a field as the one representing the date the entity containing the field was created.
@LastModifiedByfieldDeclares a field as the one representing the principal that recently modified the entity containing the field.
@LastModifiedDatefieldDeclares a field as the one representing the date the entity containing the field was recently modified.

Invoking conversion manually

In order to invoke entity serialization and deserialization to and from Jackson JsonNode manually, you can inject an instance of ArangoConverter and respectively call the methods write and read on it, e.g.:

// ...

ArangoConverter arangoConverter;

  // ...
  JsonNode jn = converter.write(entity);

  // ...
  MyEntity entity =, jn);

Object Mapping

Spring Data ArangoDB delegates object mapping, object creation, field and property access to Spring Data Commons .

Methods in ArangoOperations try modifying the domain objects accepted as parameters, updating the properties potentially modified by the server side, if the related fields are mutable. This applies to the fields annotated with:

  • @ArangoId
  • @Id
  • @Rev

In addition, the following methods also try to update the fields annotated with @ArangoComputedValue:

  • ArangoOperations#repsert(Object)
  • ArangoOperations#repsertAll(Iterable<Object>, Class<?>)

Object Identity

The most of the methods in ArangoOperations and ArangoRepository return new entity instances, except the following:

  • ArangoRepository#save(Object)
  • ArangoRepository#saveAll(Iterable<Object>)

These methods return by default the same instance(s) of the domain object(s) accepted as parameter(s) and update the properties potentially modified by the server side, if the related fields are mutable. This applies to the fields annotated with:

  • @ArangoId
  • @Id
  • @Rev
  • @ArangoComputedValue

This behavior can be changed by overriding ArangoConfiguration#returnOriginalEntities(), which by default returns true. For example:

public class MyConfiguration implements ArangoConfiguration {

  // ...

  public boolean returnOriginalEntities() {
    return false; 

Note that also in this case, input parameters properties are still updated, if mutable.

Working with immutable objects

Spring Data ArangoDB can work with immutable entity classes, like Java Records, Kotlin data classes and final classes with immutable properties. In this case, to use ArangoRepository#save(Object) and ArangoRepository#saveAll(Iterable<Object>) is required overriding ArangoConfiguration#returnOriginalEntities() to make it return false, see Object Identity.