ArangoDB v3.10 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent stable version.

Oasisctl Logs

oasisctl logs

Get logs of the servers of a deployment the authenticated user has access to

oasisctl logs [flags]


  -d, --deployment-id string     Identifier of the deployment
      --end string               End fetching logs at this timestamp (pass timestamp or duration before now)
      --format string            Formatting of the log output. It can be one of two: text, json. Text is the default value. (default "text")
  -h, --help                     help for logs
  -l, --limit int                Limit the number of log lines
  -o, --organization-id string   Identifier of the organization
  -p, --project-id string        Identifier of the project
  -r, --role string              Limit logs to servers with given role only (agents|coordinators|dbservers)
      --start string             Start fetching logs from this timestamp (pass timestamp or duration before now)

Options Inherited From Parent Commands

      --endpoint string   API endpoint of the ArangoDB Oasis (default "")
      --token string      Token used to authenticate at ArangoDB Oasis

See also

  • oasisctl - ArangoGraph Insights Platform