
The collections section displays all available collections. From here you can create new collections and jump into a collection for details (click on a collection tile).


  • Create collections
  • Filter by collection properties
  • Show collection details (click row)


  • Collection name
  • Collection type
  • Collection source (system or custom)
  • Collection status


There are four view categories:

  • Content:

    • Create a document
    • Delete a document
    • Filter documents
    • Download documents
    • Upload documents
  • Indexes:

    • Create indexes
    • Delete indexes
  • Info:

    • Detailed collection information and statistics
  • Settings:

    • Configure name, journal size, index buckets, wait for sync
    • Delete collection
    • Truncate collection
    • Unload/Load collection
    • Save modified properties (name, journal size, index buckets, wait for sync)

Additional information:

Upload format:

I. Line-wise

{ "_key": "key1", ... }
{ "_key": "key2", ... }

II. JSON documents in a list

  { "_key": "key1", ... },
  { "_key": "key2", ... }