ArangoDB automatically gathers information on how it is used and the features being utilized, but you can disable this data collection
ArangoDB gathers metrics by default, to identify the primary usage patterns and features, and to measure their adoption rate.
It is important to note that the information collected by ArangoDB is non-personal and purely statistical and helps ArangoDB determine which features are most used, how the general usage model looks like, and whether ArangoDB is configured properly.
This data is anonymous and does not contain any personal information like usernames or IP addresses that could be used to identify a particular user, nor does it contain any content of the documents stored in ArangoDB. This means that your privacy is protected, and that there is no risk of your data being compromised.
The data is fetched and transmitted by arangosh and sent to ArangoDB Inc. or one of its subsidiaries. It is not shared with other companies.
How to disable telemetrics
If for any reason you prefer not to share usage statistics with ArangoDB, you
can easily disable this feature by setting the --server.telemetrics-api
startup option to false
. The default value is true
Collected metrics
The anonymous metrics ArangoDB collects and transmits include the following:
Host machine environment: This includes statistics about your operating system, license type, and available RAM and CPU resources.
- The operating system
- The platform (e.g. Linux)
- The number of CPU cores
- Whether the number of CPU cores is overridden
- The memory size
- Whether the memory size is overridden
- The ArangoDB license type (Community Edition or Enterprise Edition)
Runtime information: This includes statistics related to your deployment and startup mode, RAM and CPU usage, and shard configuration (number of shards, followers, leaders, Coordinators, databases, and servers participating in sharding).
- The date and time of fetching the deployment information
- The deployment mode (cluster, single server)
- The persisted deployment ID
- The startup mode (ArangoDB Starter, Kubernetes operator, etc.)
- The number of Agents
- The number of DB-Servers
- The number of Coordinators
- A list of detailed information per server
- Is it in maintenance mode?
- Is it read-only?
- The endpoint address
- The server ID
- The server alias
- The server role (Agent, DB-Server, Coordinator, Single)
- The ArangoDB version
- The ArangoDB build
- Shards statistics
- The number of servers participating in sharding
- The number of collections
- The number of shards
- The number of leaders
- The number of real leaders
- The number of followers
- Engine statistics
- The
metric - The
metric - The
metric - The
metric - The
metric - The
metric - The
metric - RocksDB’s
metric - RocksDB’s
- The
- Process statistics
- The number of threads
- The process uptime
- The resident set size
- The virtual size
Feature usage data: This includes information about which features are most used and how the usage model looks like. Statistics include details about the type and number of collections per database, indexes, smart graphs, queries, as well as configuration details in terms of sharding and replication.
- The number of databases
- A list of detailed information per database
- Whether it is a single shard database
- The number of document collections
- The number of edge collections
- The number of smart collections
- The number of disjoint smart collections
- The number of Views
- A list of detailed information per collection
- The collection type
- The persistent collection ID
- Whether it is used in a SmartGraph
- Whether it is a disjoint collection
- The number of shards
- The replication factor
- The plan ID
- The number of documents
- The number of primary indexes
- The number of edge indexes
- The number of hash indexes
- The number of skiplist indexes
- The number of persistent indexes
- The number of geo indexes
- The number of fulltext indexes
- The number of iresearch indexes
- The number of inverted indexes
- The number of mdi indexes
- The number of mdi-prefixed indexes
- A list of detailed information per index
- The index type
- Is it a unique index?
- Is it a sparse index?
- The index memory size
- The index cache usage
- The index cache size