Managing Users

User management is possible in the web interface and in arangosh in the context of the _system database

Authentication needs to be enabled on the server in order to employ user permissions. Authentication is turned on by default in ArangoDB. You should make sure that it was not turned off manually however. Check the configuration file (normally named /etc/arangodb.conf) and make sure it contains the following line in the [server] section:

authentication = true

This will make ArangoDB require authentication for every request (including requests to Foxx apps depending on the option below). If you want to run Foxx apps without HTTP authentication, but activate HTTP authentication for the built-in server APIs, you can add the following line in the [server] section of the configuration:

authentication-system-only = true

The above will bypass authentication for requests to Foxx apps.

When finished making changes, you need to restart ArangoDB, e.g.:

service arangodb restart

User management is possible in the web interface while logged on to the _system database and in arangosh, as well as via the HTTP API.

There is a built-in user account root which cannot be removed. Note that it has an empty password by default, so make sure to set a strong password immediately. Additional users can be created and granted different actions and access levels. ArangoDB user accounts are valid throughout a server instance (across databases).

Actions and Access Levels

An ArangoDB server contains a list of users. It also defines various access levels that can be assigned to a user (for details, see below) and that are needed to perform certain actions. These actions can be grouped into three categories:

  • server actions
  • database actions
  • collection actions

The server actions are

  • create user: allows to create a new user.

  • update user: allows to change the access levels and details of an existing user.

  • drop user: allows to delete an existing user.

  • create database: allows to create a new database.

  • drop database: allows to delete an existing database.

  • shutdown server: remove server from cluster and shutdown

The database actions are tied to a given database, and access levels must be set for each database individually. For a given database the actions are

  • create collection: allows to create a new collection in the given database.

  • update collection: allows to update properties of an existing collection.

  • drop collection: allows to delete an existing collection.

  • create index: allows to create an index for an existing collection in the given database.

  • drop index: allows to delete an index of an existing collection in the given database.

The collection actions are tied to a given collection of a given database, and access levels must be set for each collection individually. For a given collection the actions are

  • read document: read a document of the given collection.

  • create document: creates a new document in the given collection.

  • modify document: modifies an existing document of the given collection, this can be an update or replace operation.

  • drop document: deletes an existing document of the given collection.

  • truncate collection: deletes all documents of a given collection.

To perform actions on the server level the user needs at least the following access levels. The access levels are Administrate and No access:

server actionserver level
create a databaseAdministrate
drop a databaseAdministrate
create a userAdministrate
update a userAdministrate
update user access levelAdministrate
drop a userAdministrate
shutdown serverAdministrate

To perform actions in a specific database (like creating or dropping collections), a user needs at least the following access level. The possible access levels for databases are Administrate, Access and No access. The access levels for collections are Read/Write, Read Only and No Access.

database actiondatabase levelcollection level
create collectionAdministrateRead/Write
list collectionsAccessRead Only
rename collectionAdministrateRead/Write
modify collection propertiesAdministrateRead/Write
read propertiesAccessRead Only
drop collectionAdministrateRead/Write
create an indexAdministrateRead/Write
drop an indexAdministrateRead/Write
see index definitionAccessRead Only

Note that the access level Access for a database is always required to perform any action on a collection in that database.

For collections a user needs the following access levels to the given database and the given collection. The access levels for the database are Administrate, Access and No access. The access levels for the collection are Read/Write, Read Only and No Access.

actioncollection leveldatabase level
read a documentRead/Write or Read OnlyAdministrate or Access
create a documentRead/WriteAdministrate or Access
modify a documentRead/WriteAdministrate or Access
drop a documentRead/WriteAdministrate or Access
truncate a collectionRead/WriteAdministrate or Access


For example, given

  • a database example
  • a collection data in the database example
  • a user JohnSmith

If the user JohnSmith is assigned the access level Access for the database example and the level Read/Write for the collection data, then the user is allowed to read, create, modify or delete documents in the collection data. But the user is, for example, not allowed to create indexes for the collection data nor create new collections in the database example.

Granting Access Levels

Access levels can be managed via the web interface or in arangosh.

In order to grant an access level to a user, you can assign one of three access levels for each database and one of three levels for each collection in a database. The server access level for the user follows from the database access level in the _system database, it is Administrate if and only if the database access level is Administrate. Note that this means that database access level Access does not grant a user server access level Administrate.

Initial Access Levels

When a user creates a database, the access level of the user for that database is set to Administrate. The same is true for creating a collection, in this case the user gets Read/Write access to the collection.

Wildcard Database Access Level

With the above definition, one must define the database access level for all database/user pairs in the server, which would be very tedious. In order to simplify this process, it is possible to define a wildcard database access level for a user. This wildcard is used if the database access level is not explicitly defined for a certain database. Each new created user has an initial database wildcard of No Access.

Changing the wildcard database access level for a user will change the access level for all databases that have no explicitly defined access level. Note that this includes databases which will be created in the future and for which no explicit access levels are set for that user!

If you delete the wildcard, the default access level is defined as No Access.

The root user has an initial database wildcard of Administrate.

If a user has the access level Access or Administrate for the _system database but a lower wildcard database access level, then the _system database access level is granted for all databases that do not have an explicit access level defined.

See Permission Resolution for details.


Assume user JohnSmith has the following database access levels:

Access level
database _systemNo Access
database shop1Administrate
database shop2No Access
database *Access

This gives the user JohnSmith the following database level access:

  • database _system: No Access
  • database shop1: Administrate
  • database shop2: No Access
  • database something: Access

If the wildcard * is changed from Access to No Access, then the permissions change as follows:

  • database _system: No Access
  • database shop1: Administrate
  • database shop2: No Access
  • database something: No Access

If the _system database access level is changed from No Access to Administrate, then the permissions change again for databases with no explicitly defined access level:

  • database _system: Administrate
  • database shop1: Administrate
  • database shop2: No Access
  • database something: Administrate

Wildcard Collection Access Level

For each user and database, there is a wildcard collection access level. This level is used for all collections of a database without an explicitly defined collection access level. Note that this includes collections which will be created in the future and for which no explicit access levels are set for a that user! Each new created user has an initial collection wildcard of No Access.

If you delete the wildcard, the system defaults to No Access.

The root user has an initial collection wildcard of Read/Write in every database.

When creating a user through db._createDatabase(), the access level of the user for this database is set to Administrate and the wildcard for all collections within this database are set to Read/Write.

If a user has the access level Access or Administrate for the _system database but a lower wildcard database access level or wildcard collection access level, then the _system database access level is granted for all collections that do not have an explicit access level defined.

See Permission Resolution for details.

It is recommended to use explicitly defined access levels for all databases and collections instead of wildcard grants to avoid accidentally granting more permissions than intended.


Assume user JohnSmith has the following database access levels:

Access level
database _systemNo Access
database *Access

And the following collection access levels:

Access level
database *, collection *Read/Write
database shop1, collection productsRead-Only
database shop1, collection *No Access
database shop2, collection reviewsNo Access

Then the user JohnSmith gets the following collection access levels:

  • database shop1, collection products: Read-Only
  • database shop1, collection customers: Read/Write
  • database shop2, collection reviews: No Access


Database shop1, collection products directly matches a defined collection access level and the database access level is higher than No Access, leading to Read-Only access for the collection.

Database shop1, collection customers does not match a defined access level. There is a wildcard collection access level of No Access, but it cannot lower the access level granted by the wildcard combination of database *, collection *, leading to Read/Write access for the collection.

Database shop2 does not match a defined access level. However, the database matches the database wildcard access level of Access. The access level for all collections with no defined access level would be Read/Write because of the wildcard combination of database *, collection *, but the reviews collection has a defined access level of No Access, leading to no access for this collection.

Assume user JohnSmith has the following database access levels:

Access level
database _systemAccess
database shop2Administrate
database *No Access

And the following collection access levels:

Access level
database shop1, collection customersNo Access
database shop1, collection *No Access

Then the user JohnSmith gets the following collection access levels:

  • database shop1, collection products: Read-Only
  • database shop1, collection customers: No Access
  • database shop2, collection reviews: Read/Write


Database shop1, collection products does not match a defined access level. There is a wildcard collection access level of No Access, but it cannot lower the access level granted via the _system database, leading to Read-Only access for the collection.

Database shop1, collection customers directly matches a defined collection access level. The database access level is higher than No Access but the explicitly defined collection access level of No Access leads to no access for the collection.

Database shop2 has a defined access level of Administrate. No access level is defined for its collections, which is equal to a wildcard collection access level of No Access. However, the Administrate database access level leads to Read-Write access for all collections in the database, including the reviews collection.

Permission Resolution

The access levels for databases and collections are resolved in the following way:

For a database “foo”:

  1. Check if there is a specific database grant for foo. If yes, use the granted access level.
  2. Choose the higher access level of:
  • A wildcard database grant (like grantDatabase('user', '*', 'rw')).
  • A database grant on the _system database.

For a collection named “bar” in a database “foo”:

  1. Check whether the effective access level for the database foo is higher than No Access (see above). If not, then you cannot access the collection bar.
  2. Check if there is a specific collection grant for bar. If yes, use the granted collection access level for bar.
  3. Choose the higher access level of:
  • A wildcard collection grant in the same database (like grantCollection('user', 'foo', '*', 'rw')).
  • A wildcard database grant (like grantDatabase('user', '*', 'rw')).
  • The access level for the current database (like grantDatabase('user', 'foo', 'rw').
  • The access level for the _system database.

An exception to this are system collections, where only the access level for the database is used.

System Collections

The access level for system collections cannot be changed. They follow different rules than user defined collections and may change without further notice. The system collections follow these rules:

CollectionAccess level
_users (in the _system database)No Access
* (default)based on the current database

All other system collections have access level Read/Write if the user has Administrate access to the database. They have access level Read/Only if the user has Access to the database.

To modify these system collections, you should always use the specialized APIs provided by ArangoDB. For example, no user has access to the _users collection in the _system database. All changes to the access levels must be done using the @arangodb/users module of the JavaScript API, the /_api/user HTTP API endpoints, or the web interface.