ArangoDB v3.13 is under development and not released yet. This documentation is not final and potentially incomplete.

The execution plan cache for AQL queries

AQL provides an optional cache for query plans to skip query planning and optimization when running the same queries repeatedly

Query plan caching can reduce the total time for processing queries by avoiding to parse, plan, and optimize queries over and over again that effectively have the same execution plan with at most some changes to bind parameter values. It is especially useful for particular queries where a lot of time is spent on the query planning and optimization passes in proportion to the actual execution.

Use plan caching for queries

Query plans are not cached by default. You need to enable the query option for plan caching on a per-query basis to utilize cached plans as well as to add plans to the cache. Otherwise, the plan cache is bypassed.

  1. Click Queries in the main navigation.
  2. Enter an AQL query and specify the values for bind variables if necessary.
  3. Switch to the Options tab to access the query options.
  4. Expand the Advanced panel.
  5. Enable the Use Plan Cache option.
var query = "FOR doc IN coll FILTER doc.attr == @val RETURN doc";
var bindVars = { val: "foo" };
db._query(query, bindVars, { usePlanCache: true }); // Adds plan to cache
db._query(query, bindVars, { usePlanCache: true }); // Uses cached plan
Show output

See the JavaScript API for details.

curl -d '{"query":"FOR doc IN coll FILTER doc.attr == @val RETURN doc","bindVars":{"val":"foo"},"options":{"usePlanCache":true}}' http://localhost:8529/_db/mydb/_api/cursor

# The second time, the response includes a planCacheKey
curl -d '{"query":"FOR doc IN coll FILTER doc.attr == @val RETURN doc","bindVars":{"val":"foo"},"options":{"usePlanCache":true}}' http://localhost:8529/_db/mydb/_api/cursor

See the HTTP API for details.

Cache eligibility

If plan caching is enabled for a query, the eligibility for being cached is checked first. An error is raised if a query doesn’t meet the requirements.

A query is not eligible for plan caching if it uses attribute name bind parameters (e.g. FILTER doc.@attributeName == ...) or when using value bind parameters in any of the following places:

  • Specifying the depths for traversals or path queries (e.g. FOR v, e IN @min..@max OUTBOUND ...)
  • Referring to a named graph (e.g. GRAPH @graphName)
  • Referring to edge collections used in traversals or path queries (e.g. FOR v, e IN 1..2 OUTBOUND 'v/0' @@edgeColl ...)
  • Specifying the offset or count for a LIMIT operation (e.g. LIMIT @offset, @count)

If a query produces any warnings during parsing or query plan optimization, it is also not eligible for plan caching.

Query plans are also not eligible for caching if they contain one of the following execution node types in the plan:

  • SingleRemoteOperationNode (cluster only)
  • MultipleRemoteModificationNode (cluster only)
  • UpsertNode, i.e. the AQL UPSERT operation

Additionally, any queries that have any of the following query options set are not eligible for plan caching:

  • allPlans
  • optimizer.rules
  • explainRegisters (internal)
  • inaccessibleCollections (internal)
  • shardIds (internal)

If a query is eligible for plan caching, the plan cache is checked using the exact same query string and set of collection bind parameter values. A cached plan entry is only considered identical to the current query if the query strings are identical byte for byte and the set of collection bind parameters is exactly the same (bind parameter names and bind parameter values).

If no plan entry can be found in the plan cache, the query is planned and optimized as usual, and the cached plan is inserted into the plan cache. Repeated executions of the same query (same query string and using the same set of collection bind parameters) then makes use of the cached plan entry, potentially with different value bind parameters.

The following query options are ignored when a cached plan is used:

  • joinStrategyType
  • maxDNFConditionMembers
  • maxNodesPerCallstack

Whenever a query uses a plan from the plan cache, the query result includes a planCacheKey attribute at the top level when executing, explaining, or profiling a query. The explain and profiling outputs also indicate when a cached query plan was used, showing plan cache key: ... at the top.

Cache invalidation and expiration

The query plan cache is organized per database. It gets invalidated at the following events:

  • An existing collection gets dropped or renamed, or the properties of an existing collection are modified.
  • An index is added to an existing collection or an index is dropped.
  • An existing View gets dropped or renamed, or the properties of an existing View are modified.
  • A named graph is added, or an existing named graph is changed or gets dropped.

These events typically remove all entries from the plan cache of the respective database. In a single server deployment, only affected entries may get removed.

Individual cache entries can expire if --query.plan-cache-invalidation-time is set to a value greater than 0. The configured duration for which cached query plans are valid is relative to when they were added to the cache. Expired entries are no longer used and eventually removed from the plan cache.


The memory usage of the query plan cache can be restricted using the following startup options:

Note that each database has its own query plan cache, and that these options are used for each individual plan cache. In a cluster, each Coordinator has its own query plan cache.

The expiration of cached plans can be configured with the following startup option:


List the query plan cache entries

Retrieve all entries in the query plan cache for the current database.

This requires read privileges for the current database. In addition, only those query plans are returned for which the current user has at least read permissions on all collections and Views included in the query.

var planCache = require("@arangodb/aql/plan-cache");
Show output

curl http://localhost:8529/_api/query-plan-cache

See the HTTP API for details.

Clear the query plan cache

Delete all entries in the query plan cache for the current database.

This requires write privileges for the current database.

var planCache = require("@arangodb/aql/plan-cache");
Show output

curl -XDELETE http://localhost:8529/_api/query-plan-cache

See the HTTP API for details.