ArangoDB v3.13 is under development and not released yet. This documentation is not final and potentially incomplete.

The ArangoGraph API

Interface to control all resources inside ArangoGraph in a scriptable manner

The ArangoGraph Insights Platform , comes with its own API. This API enables you to control all resources inside ArangoGraph in a scriptable manner. Typical use cases are spinning up ArangoGraph deployments during continuous integration and infrastructure as code.

The ArangoGraph APIā€¦

  • is a well-specified API that uses Protocol Buffers  as interface definition and gRPC  as underlying protocol.

  • allows for automatic generation of clients for a large list of languages. A Go client is available out of the box.

  • uses API keys for authentication. API keys impersonate a user and inherit the permissions of that user.

  • is also available as a command-line tool called oasisctl.

  • is also available as a Terraform plugin . This plugin makes integration of ArangoGraph in infrastructure as code projects very simple. To learn more, refer to the plugin documentation .

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