ArangoDB v3.13 is under development and not released yet. This documentation is not final and potentially incomplete.


ArangoDB ships with command-line tools like for accessing server instances programmatically, deploying clusters, creating backups, and importing data

A full ArangoDB installation package contains the ArangoDB server (arangod) as well as the following client tools:

Executable nameBrief description
arangoshArangoDB shell. A client that implements a read-eval-print loop (REPL) and provides functions to access and administrate the ArangoDB server.
arangodbArangoDB Starter for easy deployment of ArangoDB instances.
arangodumpTool to create backups of an ArangoDB database.
arangorestoreTool to load backups back into an ArangoDB database.
arangobackupTool to perform hot backup operations on an ArangoDB installation.
arangoimportBulk importer for the ArangoDB server. It supports JSON and CSV.
arangoexportBulk exporter for the ArangoDB server. It supports JSON, CSV and XML.
arangobenchBenchmark and test tool. It can be used for performance and server function testing.
arangovpackUtility to validate and convert VelocyPack and JSON data.
arangoinspectInspection tool that gathers server setup information.

A client installation package comes without the arangod server executable and the ArangoDB Starter.

Additional tools which are available separately:

NameBrief description
Foxx CLICommand line tool for managing and developing Foxx services
kube-arangodbOperators to manage Kubernetes deployments
OasisctlCommand-line tool for managing the ArangoGraph Insights Platform
ArangoDB DatasetsA Python package for loading sample datasets into ArangoDB