ArangoDB v3.13 is under development and not released yet. This documentation is not final and potentially incomplete.


The services section displays all installed Foxx applications. You can create new services or go into a detailed view of a chosen service.

Create Service

There are four different possibilities to create a new service:

  1. Create service via zip file
  2. Create service via github repository
  3. Create service via official ArangoDB store
  4. Create a blank service from scratch

Service View

This section offers several information about a specific service.

There are four view categories:

  1. Info:
  • Displays name, short description, license, version, mode (production, development)
  • Offers a button to go to the services interface (if available)
  1. API:
  • Display API as SwaggerUI
  • Display API as RAW JSON
  1. Readme:
  • Displays the services manual (if available)
  1. Settings:
  • Download service as zip file
  • Run service tests (if available)
  • Run service scripts (if available)
  • Configure dependencies (if available)
  • Change service parameters (if available)
  • Change mode (production, development)
  • Replace the service
  • Delete the service