ArangoDB v3.13 is under development and not released yet. This documentation is not final and potentially incomplete.

Data Models

ArangoDB is a native multi-model database with flexible data models for key-values, documents, and graphs

Key-Value Model

The key-value data model is a subset of ArangoDB’s document data model. Every document has a _key attribute that identifies a document within a collection. This document key acts as the primary key to retrieve the data. You can set it when creating a document, or let the system generate one automatically. It cannot be changed later because the attribute is immutable. It is always a string. What you can use as a document key is described in User-specified keys.

ArangoDB is ready to store JSON objects and retrieve them via their keys out of the box. Every collection has an index on the _key attribute (the primary index), which makes this a fast operation by default.

There is an additional virtual attribute _id, called the document identifier. It uniquely identifies documents within a database. It is a combination of the collection name that the document is stored in, a forward slash (/), and the document key, so <collection>/<key>. It uses the primary index under the hood and you can thus use it to look up documents equally fast.

Document Model

You can store data records as JSON objects in ArangoDB, and not only retrieve them one by one as they are like in the key-value model, but run queries of all kinds that access documents granularly and involve multiple documents and collections.

The stored information is not treated like an opaque block of data but you can work with documents at the attribute level. You can search by any attributes, with or without built-in and user-defined (secondary) indexes, return subsets of attributes or even compute new ones on-the-fly, group records and aggregate values, and more.

Graph Model

Graphs are comprised of vertices and edges. Both are documents in ArangoDB. Edges have two special attributes, _from and _to, that reference the source and target vertices by their document identifiers.

You can store vertices and edges with as many properties as you need, as both are fully-fledged documents (JSON objects).

You can organize vertices and edges in sets using collections, with vertices in document collections (also referred to as vertex collections) and edges in edge collections. This graph model makes ArangoDB classify as a Labeled Property Graph store.

The design with edges stored in edge collections enables true graph scalability, while keeping the promise of performant graph queries regardless of the number of vertices and edges.

Edges are always directed in ArangoDB, which means they point from one vertex to another. They cannot point both ways. However, you can create multiple edges between a pair of vertices in both directions. When you traverse a graph - a basic graph query algorithm that starts at a given vertex and then walks along the connected edges to discover neighboring vertices - you can specify whether you want to follow edges in the direction they are defined in (outbound), the opposite direction (inbound), or regardless of the direction (any). This means that you do not need to create an opposing edge for every edge that you want to be able to follow in both directions.

Aside from basic graph traversal, ArangoDB offers graph algorithms to find one or multiple shortest paths between two vertices and can return a specified amount of paths between two vertices in order of increasing length.

You can perform operations directly on the documents of graphs and run graph traversals using ad-hoc sets of vertex and edge collections. These are called anonymous graphs. However, no graph consistency is enforced. You can create named graphs and use the interfaces for named graphs, which ensure graph consistency. For example, removing a vertex removes all connected edges, too. Low-level operations can still cause dangling edges, nonetheless.