ArangoDB v3.13 is under development and not released yet. This documentation is not final and potentially incomplete.
DGL Adapter
The DGL Adapter exports graphs from ArangoDB into Deep Graph Library (DGL), a Python package for graph neural networks, and vice-versa
The Deep Graph Library (DGL) is an easy-to-use, high performance and scalable Python package for deep learning on graphs. DGL is framework agnostic, meaning that, if a deep graph model is a component of an end-to-end application, the rest of the logics can be implemented in any major frameworks, such as PyTorch, Apache MXNet or TensorFlow.
Watch this lunch & learn session to get an introduction and see how to use the DGL adapter.
The DGL Adapter repository is available on Github. Check it out!
To install the latest release of the DGL Adapter, run the following command:
pip install adbdgl-adapter
The following examples show how to get started with the DGL Adapter. Check also the interactive tutorial .
import dgl
import torch
import pandas
from arango import ArangoClient
from adbdgl_adapter import ADBDGL_Adapter, ADBDGL_Controller
from adbdgl_adapter.encoders import IdentityEncoder, CategoricalEncoder
# Connect to ArangoDB
db = ArangoClient().db()
# Instantiate the adapter
adbdgl_adapter = ADBDGL_Adapter(db)
# Create a DGL Heterogeneous Graph
fake_hetero = dgl.heterograph({
("user", "follows", "user"): (torch.tensor([0, 1]), torch.tensor([1, 2])),
("user", "follows", "topic"): (torch.tensor([1, 1]), torch.tensor([1, 2])),
("user", "plays", "game"): (torch.tensor([0, 3]), torch.tensor([3, 4])),
fake_hetero.nodes["user"].data["features"] = torch.tensor([21, 44, 16, 25])
fake_hetero.nodes["user"].data["label"] = torch.tensor([1, 2, 0, 1])
fake_hetero.nodes["game"].data["features"] = torch.tensor([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]])
fake_hetero.edges[("user", "plays", "game")].data["features"] = torch.tensor([[6, 1], [1000, 0]])
DGL to ArangoDB
# 1.1: without a Metagraph #
adb_g = adbdgl_adapter.dgl_to_arangodb("FakeHetero", fake_hetero)
# 1.2: with a Metagraph #
# Specifying a Metagraph provides customized adapter behavior
metagraph = {
"nodeTypes": {
"user": {
"features": "user_age", # 1) you can specify a string value for attribute renaming
"label": label_tensor_to_2_column_dataframe, # 2) you can specify a function for user-defined handling, as long as the function returns a Pandas DataFrame
# 3) You can specify set of strings if you want to preserve the same DGL attribute names for the node/edge type
"game": {"features"} # this is equivalent to {"features": "features"}
"edgeTypes": {
("user", "plays", "game"): {
# 4) you can specify a list of strings for tensor dissasembly (if you know the number of node/edge features in advance)
"features": ["hours_played", "is_satisfied_with_game"]
def label_tensor_to_2_column_dataframe(dgl_tensor: torch.Tensor, adb_df: pandas.DataFrame) -> pandas.DataFrame:
"""A user-defined function to create two
ArangoDB attributes out of the 'user' label tensor
:param dgl_tensor: The DGL Tensor containing the data
:type dgl_tensor: torch.Tensor
:param adb_df: The ArangoDB DataFrame to populate, whose
size is preset to the length of **dgl_tensor**.
:type adb_df: pandas.DataFrame
:return: The populated ArangoDB DataFrame
:rtype: pandas.DataFrame
label_map = {0: "Class A", 1: "Class B", 2: "Class C"}
adb_df["label_num"] = dgl_tensor.tolist()
adb_df["label_str"] = adb_df["label_num"].map(label_map)
return adb_df
adb_g = adbdgl_adapter.dgl_to_arangodb("FakeHetero", fake_hetero, metagraph, explicit_metagraph=False)
# 1.3: with a Metagraph and `explicit_metagraph=True` #
# With `explicit_metagraph=True`, the node & edge types omitted from the metagraph will NOT be converted to ArangoDB.
adb_g = adbdgl_adapter.dgl_to_arangodb("FakeHetero", fake_hetero, metagraph, explicit_metagraph=True)
# 1.4: with a custom ADBDGL Controller #
class Custom_ADBDGL_Controller(ADBDGL_Controller):
def _prepare_dgl_node(self, dgl_node: dict, node_type: str) -> dict:
"""Optionally modify a DGL node object before it gets inserted into its designated ArangoDB collection.
:param dgl_node: The DGL node object to (optionally) modify.
:param node_type: The DGL Node Type of the node.
:return: The DGL Node object
dgl_node["foo"] = "bar"
return dgl_node
def _prepare_dgl_edge(self, dgl_edge: dict, edge_type: tuple) -> dict:
"""Optionally modify a DGL edge object before it gets inserted into its designated ArangoDB collection.
:param dgl_edge: The DGL edge object to (optionally) modify.
:param edge_type: The Edge Type of the DGL edge. Formatted
as (from_collection, edge_collection, to_collection)
:return: The DGL Edge object
dgl_edge["bar"] = "foo"
return dgl_edge
adb_g = ADBDGL_Adapter(db, Custom_ADBDGL_Controller()).dgl_to_arangodb("FakeHetero", fake_hetero)
ArangoDB to DGL
# Start from scratch!
db.delete_graph("FakeHetero", drop_collections=True, ignore_missing=True)
adbdgl_adapter.dgl_to_arangodb("FakeHetero", fake_hetero)
# 2.1: via Graph name #
# Due to risk of ambiguity, this method does not transfer attributes
dgl_g = adbdgl_adapter.arangodb_graph_to_dgl("FakeHetero")
# 2.2: via Collection names #
# Due to risk of ambiguity, this method does not transfer attributes
dgl_g = adbdgl_adapter.arangodb_collections_to_dgl("FakeHetero", v_cols={"user", "game"}, e_cols={"plays"})
# 2.3: via Metagraph #
# Transfers attributes "as is", meaning they are already formatted to DGL data standards.
# Learn more about the DGL Data Standards here:
metagraph_v1 = {
"vertexCollections": {
# Move the "features" & "label" ArangoDB attributes to DGL as "features" & "label" Tensors
"user": {"features", "label"}, # equivalent to {"features": "features", "label": "label"}
"game": {"dgl_game_features": "features"},
"topic": {},
"edgeCollections": {
"plays": {"dgl_plays_features": "features"},
"follows": {}
dgl_g = adbdgl_adapter.arangodb_to_dgl("FakeHetero", metagraph_v1)
# 2.4: via Metagraph with user-defined encoders #
# Transforms attributes via user-defined encoders
metagraph_v2 = {
"vertexCollections": {
"Movies": {
"features": { # Build a feature matrix from the "Action" & "Drama" document attributes
"Action": IdentityEncoder(dtype=torch.long),
"Drama": IdentityEncoder(dtype=torch.long),
"label": "Comedy",
"Users": {
"features": {
"Gender": CategoricalEncoder(), # CategoricalEncoder(mapping={"M": 0, "F": 1}),
"Age": IdentityEncoder(dtype=torch.long),
"edgeCollections": {"Ratings": {"weight": "Rating"}},
dgl_g = adbdgl_adapter.arangodb_to_dgl("imdb", metagraph_v2)
# 2.5: via Metagraph with user-defined functions #
# Transforms attributes via user-defined functions
metagraph_v3 = {
"vertexCollections": {
"user": {
"features": udf_user_features, # supports named functions
"label": lambda df: torch.tensor(df["label"].to_list()), # also supports lambda functions
"game": {"features": udf_game_features},
"edgeCollections": {
"plays": {"features": (lambda df: torch.tensor(df["features"].to_list()))},
def udf_user_features(user_df: pandas.DataFrame) -> torch.Tensor:
# user_df["features"] = ...
return torch.tensor(user_df["features"].to_list())
def udf_game_features(game_df: pandas.DataFrame) -> torch.Tensor:
# game_df["features"] = ...
return torch.tensor(game_df["features"].to_list())
dgl_g = adbdgl_adapter.arangodb_to_dgl("FakeHetero", metagraph_v3)