ArangoDB v3.13 is under development and not released yet. This documentation is not final and potentially incomplete.

Getting Started with ArangoGraphML

How to control all resources inside ArangoGraphML in a scriptable manner

ArangoGraphML provides an easy-to-use & scalable interface to run Graph Machine Learning on ArangoDB Data. Since all of the orchestration and ML logic is managed by ArangoGraph, all that is typically required are JSON specifications outlining individual processes to solve an ML Task. If you are using the self-managed solution, additional configurations may be required.

The arangoml is a Python Package allowing you to manage all of the necessary ArangoGraphML components, including:

  • Project Management: Projects are a metadata-tracking entity that sit at the top level of ArangoGraphML. All activities must link to a project.
  • Featurization: The step of converting human-understandable data to machine-understandable data (i.e features), such that it can be used to train Graph Neural Networks (GNNs).
  • Training: Train a set of models based on the name of the generated/existing features, and a definition of the ML Task we want to solve (e.g Node Classification, Embedding Generation).
  • Model Selection: Select the best model based on the metrics generated during training.
  • Predictions: Generate predictions based on the selected model, and persit the results to the source graph (either in the source document, or in a new collection).
To enable the ArangoGraphML services in the ArangoGraph platform, get in touch  with the ArangoDB team. Regular notebooks in ArangoGraph don’t include the arangoml package.

ArangoGraphML’s suite of services and packages is driven by “specifications”. These specifications are standard Python dictionaries that describe the task being performed, & the data being used. The ArangoGraphML services work closely together, with the previous task being used as the input for the next.

Let’s take a look at using the arangoml package to:

  1. Manage projects
  2. Featurize data
  3. Submit Training Jobs
  4. Evaluate Model Metrics
  5. Generate Predictions

Initialize ArangoML

API Documentation: arangoml.ArangoMLMagics.enable_arangoml 

The arangoml package comes pre-loaded with every ArangoGraphML notebook environment. To start using it, simply import it, and enable it via a Jupyter Magic Command.

arangoml = %enable_arangoml
ArangoGraphML comes with other ArangoDB Magic Commands! See the full list here .

API Documentation: arangoml.ArangoML 

The ArangoML class is the main entry point for the arangoml package. It requires the following parameters:

  • client: An instance of arango.client.ArangoClient. Defaults to None. If not provided, the hosts argument must be provided.
  • hosts: The ArangoDB host(s) to connect to. This can be a single host, or a list of hosts.
  • username: The ArangoDB username to use for authentication.
  • password: The ArangoDB password to use for authentication.
  • user_token: The ArangoDB user token to use for authentication. This is an alternative to username/password authentication.
  • ca_cert_file: (Optional) The path to the CA certificate file to use for TLS verification.
  • user_token: (Optional) The ArangoDB user token to use for authentication. This is an alternative to username/password authentication.
  • api_endpoint: The URL to the ArangoGraphML API Service.
  • settings: (Optional) A list of secrets files to be loaded as settings. Parameters provided as arguments will override those in the settings files (e.g settings.toml).
  • version: The ArangoML API date version. Defaults to the latest version.

It is possible to instantiate an ArangoML object in multiple ways:

  1. Via parameters
from arangoml import ArangoML

arangoml = ArangoML(
    # ca_cert_file="/path/to/ca.pem",
    # user_token="..."
  1. Via parameters and a custom ArangoClient instance
from arangoml import ArangoML
from arango import ArangoClient

client = ArangoClient(

arangoml = ArangoML(
    # user_token="..."
  1. Via environment variables
import os
from arangoml import ArangoML

os.environ["ARANGODB_HOSTS"] = "http://localhost:8529"
os.environ["ARANGODB_USER"] = "root"
os.environ["ARANGODB_PW"] = "password"
# os.environ["ARANGODB_USER_TOKEN"] = "..."
os.environ["ML_API_SERVICES_ENDPOINT"] = "http://localhost:8501"

arangoml = ArangoML()
  1. Via configuration files
import os
from arangoml import ArangoML

arangoml = ArangoML(settings_files=["settings_1.toml", "settings_2.toml"])
  1. Via a Jupyter Magic Command

API Documentation: arangoml.ArangoMLMagics.enable_arangoml 

%load_ext arangoml
This assumes you are working out of a Jupyter Notebook environment, and have set the environment variables in the notebook environment with user authentication that has _system access.
Running %load_ext arangoml also provides access to other ArangoGraphML Jupyter Magic Commands .

Load the database

This example is using ArangoML to predict the class of Events in a Knowledge Graph constructed from the GDELT Project .

GDELT monitors the world’s news media from nearly every corner of every country in print, broadcast, and web formats, in over 100 languages, every moment of every day. […] Put simply, the GDELT Project is a realtime open data global graph over human society as seen through the eyes of the world’s news media, reaching deeply into local events, reaction, discourse, and emotions of the most remote corners of the world in near-realtime and making all of this available as an open data firehose to enable research over human society.

The events used range from peaceful protests to significant battles in Angola. The image below depicts the connections around an example event:

Example Event

You can also see a larger portion of this graph, showing how the events, actors, news sources, and locations are interconnected into a large graph.

Example Event

Let’s get started!

The arango_datasets Python package allows you to load pre-defined datasets into ArangoDB. It comes pre-installed in the ArangoGraphML notebook environment.


%delete_database {DATASET_NAME}
%create_database {DATASET_NAME}
%use_database {DATASET_NAME}
%load_dataset {DATASET_NAME}

The arango_datasets Python package allows you to load pre-defined datasets into ArangoDB. It can be installed with the following command:

pip install arango-datasets
from arango_datasets.datasets import Datasets


db = arangoml.client.db(



API Documentation: ArangoML.projects 

Projects are an important reference used throughout the entire ArangoGraphML lifecycle. All activities link back to a project. The creation of the project is very simple.

Get/Create a project

project = arangoml.get_or_create_project(DATASET_NAME)

List projects



API Documentation: 

The Featurization Service depends on a Featurization Specification that contains:

  • featurizationName: A name for the featurization task.

  • projectName: The associated project name. You can use here if it was created or retrieved as described above.

  • graphName: The associated graph name that exists within the database.

  • featureSetID Optional: The ID of an existing Feature Set to re-use. If provided, the metagraph dictionary can be ommitted. Defaults to None.

  • featurizationConfiguration Optional: The optional default configuration to be applied across all features. Individual collection feature settings override this option.

    • featurePrefix: The prefix to be applied to all individual features generated. Default is feat_.

    • outputName: Adjust the default feature name. This can be any valid ArangoDB attribute name. Defaults to x.

    • dimensionalityReduction: Object configuring dimensionality reduction.

      • disabled: Boolean for enabling or disabling dimensionality reduction. Default is false.
      • size: The number of dimensions to reduce the feature length to. Default is 512.
    • defaultsPerFeatureType: A dictionary mapping each feature to how missing or mismatched values should be handled. The keys of this dictionary are the features, and the values are sub-dictionaries with the following keys:

      • missing: A sub-dictionary detailing how missing values should be handled.
        • strategy: The strategy to use for missing values. Options include REPLACE or RAISE.
        • replacement: The value to replace missing values with. Only needed if strategy is REPLACE.
      • mismatch: A sub-dictionary detailing how mismatched values should be handled.
        • strategy: The strategy to use for mismatched values. Options include REPLACE, RAISE, COERCE_REPLACE, or COERCE_RAISE.
        • replacement: The value to replace mismatched values with. Only needed if strategy is REPLACE, or COERCE_REPLACE.
  • jobConfiguration Optional: A set of configurations that are applied to the job.

    • batchSize: The number of documents to process in a single batch. Default is 32.
    • runAnalysisChecks: Boolean for enabling or disabling analysis checks. Default is true.
    • skipLabels: Boolean for enabling or disabling label skipping. Default is false.
    • overwriteFSGraph: Boolean for enabling or disabling overwriting the feature store graph. Default is false.
    • writeToSourceGraph: Boolean for enabling or disabling writing features to the source graph. Default is true.
    • useFeatureStore: Boolean for enabling or disabling the use of the feature store. Default is false.
  • metagraph: Metadata to represent the vertex & edge collections of the graph.

    • vertexCollections: A dictionary mapping the vertex collection names to the following values:
      • features: A dictionary mapping document properties to the following values:
        • featureType: The type of feature. Options include text, category, numeric, or label.
      • config: Collection-level configuration settings.
        • featurePrefix: Identical to global featurePrefix but for this collection.
        • dimensionalityReduction: Identical to global dimensionalityReduction but for this collection.
        • outputName: Identical to global outputName but for this collection.
        • defaultsPerFeatureType: Identical to global defaultsPerFeatureType but for this collection.
    • edgeCollections: A dictionary mapping the edge collection names to an empty dictionary, as edge attributes are not currently supported.

The Featurization Specification example is used for the GDELT dataset:

  • It featurizes the name attribute of the Actor, Class, Country, Source, Location, and Region collections as a text features.
  • It featurizes the description attribute of the Event collection as a text feature.
  • It featurizes the label attribute of the Event collection as a label feature (this is the attribute you want to predict).
  • It featurizes the sourceScale attribute of the Source collection as a category feature.
  • It featurizes the name attribute of the Region collection as a category feature.
# 1. Define the Featurization Specification

featurization_spec = {
    "featurizationName": f"{DATASET_NAME}_Featurization",
    "featurizationConfiguration": {
        "featurePrefix": "feat_",
        "dimensionalityReduction": { "size": 256 },
        "outputName": "x"
    "jobConfiguration": {
        "batchSize": 512,
        "useFeatureStore": False,
        "runAnalysisChecks": False,
    "metagraph": {
        "vertexCollections": { 
            "Actor": {
                "features": {
                    "name": {
                        "featureType": "text",
            "Country": {
                "features": {
                    "name": {
                        "featureType": "text",
            "Event": {
                "features": {
                    "description": {
                        "featureType": "text",
                    "label": {
                        "featureType": "label",
            "Source": {
                "features": {
                    "name": {
                        "featureType": "text",
                    "sourceScale": {
                        "featureType": "category",
            "Location": {
                "features": {
                    "name": {
                        "featureType": "text",
            "Region": {
                "features": {
                    "name": {
                        "featureType": "category",
        "edgeCollections": {
            "eventActor": {},
            "hasSource": {},
            "hasLocation": {},
            "inCountry": {},
            "inRegion": {},

Once the specification has been defined, a Featurization Job can be triggered using the method:

# 2. Submit a Featurization Job

featurization_job =

Once a Featurization Job has been submitted, you can wait for it to complete using the arangoml.wait_for_featurization method:

# 3. Wait for the Featurization Job to complete

featurization_job_result = arangoml.wait_for_featurization(featurization_job.job_id)

Example Output:

  "job_id": "16349541",
  "output_db_name": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA",
  "feature_set_id": "16349537",
  "feature_set_ids": [
  "vertexCollections": {
      "Actor": {
      "Class": {
      "Country": {
      "Event": {
          "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x",
      "Source": {
      "Location": {
      "Region": {
  "edgeCollections": {
      "eventActor": {},
      "hasSource": {},
      "hasLocation": {},
      "inCountry": {},
      "inRegion": {},
      "subClass": {},
      "type": {}
  "label_field": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_y",
  "input_field": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x",
  "feature_set_id_to_results": {
      "16349537": {
          "feature_set_id": "16349537",
          "output_db_name": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA",
          "graph": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA",
          "vertexCollections": {
              "Actor": {
                  "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
              "Class": {
                  "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
              "Country": {
                  "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
              "Event": {
                  "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x",
                  "y": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_y"
              "Source": {
                  "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
              "Location": {
                  "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
              "Region": {
                  "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
          "edgeCollections": {
              "eventActor": {},
              "hasSource": {},
              "hasLocation": {},
              "inCountry": {},
              "inRegion": {},
              "subClass": {},
              "type": {}
          "label_field": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_y",
          "input_field": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x",
          "is_feature_store": false,
          "target_collection": "Event"
  "is_feature_store": false,
  "target_collection": "Event"

You can also cancel a Featurization Job using the method:


API Documentation: 

Training Graph Machine Learning Models with ArangoGraphML only requires two steps:

  1. Describe which data points should be included in the Training Job.
  2. Pass the Training Specification to the Training Service.

The Training Service depends on a Training Specification that contains:

  • featureSetID: The feature set ID that was generated during the Featurization Job (if any). It replaces the need to provide the metagraph, databaseName, and projectName fields.

  • databaseName: The database name the source data is in. Can be omitted if featureSetID is provided.

  • projectName: The top-level project to which all the experiments will link back. Can be omitted if featureSetID is provided.

  • useFeatureStore: Boolean for enabling or disabling the use of the feature store. Default is false.

  • mlSpec: Describes the desired machine learning task, input features, and the attribute label to be predicted.

    • classification: Dictionary to describe the Node Classification Task Specification.
      • targetCollection: The ArangoDB collection name that contains the prediction label.
      • inputFeatures: The name of the feature to be used as input.
      • labelField: The name of the attribute to be predicted.
      • batchSize: The number of documents to process in a single batch. Default is 64.
  • metagraph: Metadata to represent the vertex & edge collections of the graph. If featureSetID is provided, this can be omitted.

    • graph: The ArangoDB graph name.
    • vertexCollections: A dictionary mapping the collection names to the following values:
      • x: The name of the feature to be used as input.
      • y: The name of the attribute to be predicted. Can only be specified for one collection.
    • edgeCollections: A dictionary mapping the edge collection names to an empty dictionary, as edge features are not currently supported.

A Training Specification allows for concisely defining your training task in a single object and then passing that object to the training service using the Python API client, as shown below.

The ArangoGraphML Training Service is responsible for training a series of Graph Machine Learning Models using the data provided in the Training Specification. It assumes that the data has been featurized and is ready to be used for training.

Given that we have run a Featurization Job, we can create the Training Specification using the featurization_job_result object returned from the Featurization Job:

# 1. Define the Training Specification

training_spec = {
    "featureSetID": featurization_job_result.result.feature_set_id,
    "mlSpec": {
        "classification": {
            "targetCollection": "Event",
            "inputFeatures": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x",
            "labelField": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_y",

Once the specification has been defined, a Training Job can be triggered using the method:

# 2. Submit a Training Job

training_job =

Once a Training Job has been submitted, you can wait for it to complete using the arangoml.wait_for_training method:

# 3. Wait for the Training Job to complete

training_job_result = arangoml.wait_for_training(training_job.job_id)

Example Output:

  "job_id": "691ceb2f-1931-492a-b4eb-0536925a4697",
  "job_status": "COMPLETED",
  "project_name": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_GraphML_Node_Classification",
  "project_id": "16832427",
  "database_name": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA",
  "metagraph": {
      "mlSpec": {
          "classification": {
              "targetCollection": "Event",
              "inputFeatures": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x",
              "labelField": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_y",
              "metrics": None
      "vertexCollections": {
          "Actor": {
              "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
          "Class": {
              "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
          "Country": {
              "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
          "Event": {
              "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x",
              "y": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_y"
          "Source": {
              "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
          "Location": {
              "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
          "Region": {
              "x": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_x"
      "edgeCollections": {
          "eventActor": {},
          "hasSource": {},
          "hasLocation": {},
          "inCountry": {},
          "inRegion": {},
          "subClass": {},
          "type": {}
      "batch_size": 64
  "time_submitted": "2024-01-12T02:19:19.686286",
  "time_started": "2024-01-12T02:19:29.403742",
  "time_ended": "2024-01-12T02:30:59.313038",
  "job_state": None,
  "job_conditions": None

You can also cancel a Training Job using the method:

Model Selection

Model Statistics can be observed upon completion of a Training Job. To select a Model, the ArangoGraphML Projects Service can be used to gather all relevant models and choose the preferred model for a Prediction Job.

First, let’s list all the trained models using ArangoML.list_models :

# 1. List all trained Models

models = arangoml.list_models(,


The cell below selects the model with the highest test accuracy using ArangoML.get_best_model , but there may be other factors that motivate you to choose another model. See the model_statistics in the output field below for more information on the full list of available metrics.

best_model = arangoml.get_best_model(,


Example Output:

  "job_id": "691ceb2f-1931-492a-b4eb-0536925a4697",
  "model_id": "02297435-3394-4e7e-aaac-82e1d224f85c",
  "model_statistics": {
      "_id": "devperf/123",
      "_key": "123",
      "_rev": "_gkUc8By--_",
      "run_id": "123",
      "test": {
          "accuracy": 0.8891242216547955,
          "confusion_matrix": [[13271, 2092], [1276, 5684]],
          "f1": 0.9,
          "loss": 0.1,
          "precision": 0.9,
          "recall": 0.8,
          "roc_auc": 0.8,
      "validation": {
          "accuracy": 0.9,
          "confusion_matrix": [[13271, 2092], [1276, 5684]],
          "f1": 0.85,
          "loss": 0.1,
          "precision": 0.86,
          "recall": 0.85,
          "roc_auc": 0.85,
  "target_collection": "Event",
  "target_field": "label",


API Documentation: 

Final step!

After selecting a model, a Prediction Job can be created. The Prediction Job will generate predictions and persist them to the source graph in a new collection, or within the source documents.

The Prediction Service depends on a Prediction Specification that contains:

  • projectName: The top-level project to which all the experiments will link back.
  • databaseName: The database name the source data is in.
  • modelID: The model ID to use for generating predictions.
  • featurizeNewDocuments: Boolean for enabling or disabling the featurization of new documents. Useful if you don’t want to re-train the model upon new data. Default is false.
  • featurizeOutdatedDocuments: Boolean for enabling or disabling the featurization of outdated documents. Outdated documents are those whose features have changed since the last featurization. Default is false.
  • schedule: A cron expression to schedule the prediction job (e.g 0 0 * * * for daily predictions). Default is None.
# 1. Define the Prediction Specification

prediction_spec = {
  "modelID": best_model.model_id,

This job updates all documents with the predictions derived from the trained model. Once the specification has been defined, a Prediction Job can be triggered using the method:

# 2. Submit a Prediction Job
prediction_job =

Similar to the Training Service, we can wait for a Prediction Job to complete with the arangoml.wait_for_prediction method:

# 3. Wait for the Prediction Job to complete

prediction_job_result = arangoml.wait_for_prediction(prediction_job.job_id)

Example Output:

  "job_id": "b2a422bb-5650-4fbc-ba6b-0578af0049d9",
  "job_status": "COMPLETED",
  "project_name": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_GraphML_Node_Classification",
  "project_id": "16832427",
  "database_name": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA",
  "model_id": "1a365657-f5ed-4da9-948b-1ff60bc6e7de",
  "job_state_information": {
      "outputGraphName": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA",
      "outputCollectionName": "Event",
      "outputAttribute": "OPEN_INTELLIGENCE_ANGOLA_y_predicted",
      "numberOfPredictedDocuments": 3302,
      "outputEdgeCollectionName": None
  "time_submitted": "2024-01-12T02:31:18.382625",
  "time_started": "2024-01-12T02:31:23.550469",
  "time_ended": "2024-01-12T02:31:40.021035"

You can also cancel a Prediction Job using the method:

Viewing Predictions

We can now access our predictions via AQL:

import json

collection_name = prediction_job_result.job_state_information['outputCollectionName']

query = f"""
  FOR doc IN `{collection_name}`
    LIMIT 3
    RETURN doc

docs = list(dataset_db.aql.execute(query))

print(json.dumps(docs, indent=2))