ArangoDB v3.13 is under development and not released yet. This documentation is not final and potentially incomplete.

Example Datasets for ArangoSearch

Datasets you may use for experimenting with ArangoSearch features

IMDB Movie Dataset

This is a movies and actors dataset based on data of the Internet Movie Database  (IMDB). It was converted into a graph. Also see the arangodb/example-datasets  repository.

  1. Download  (6.45 MB)
  2. Unpack the downloaded archive
  3. Restore the folder dump with arangorestore into an ArangoDB instance, e.g. arangorestore --server.endpoint tcp://localhost:8529 --server.database IMDB --create-database --include-system-collections --input-directory dump
  4. Create a View called imdb in the IMDB database. You can find various View configuration examples in this chapter.

Demo Geo S2 Dataset

This is a New York restaurants and neighborhoods dataset taken from Also see the arangodb-foxx/demo-geo-s2  repository.

  1. Download  (2.2 MB)
  2. Unpack the downloaded archive
  3. Restore the folder demo-geo-s2-dump with arangorestore into an ArangoDB instance, e.g. arangorestore --server.endpoint tcp://localhost:8529 --server.database GeoS2 --create-database --input-directory demo-geo-s2-dump
  4. Create a View called restaurantsView in the GeoS2 database. You can find various View configuration examples in Geospatial Search with ArangoSearch.