ArangoDB v3.13 is under development and not released yet. This documentation is not final and potentially incomplete.

Incompatible changes in ArangoDB 3.13

Check the following list of potential breaking changes before upgrading to this ArangoDB version and adjust any client applications if necessary


Batch request endpoint removed

Removed in: v3.12.3

The /_api/batch endpoints that let you send multiple operations in a single HTTP request was deprecated in v3.8.0 and has now been removed.

To send multiple documents at once to an ArangoDB instance, please use the HTTP interface for documents that can insert, update, replace, or remove arrays of documents.

JavaScript API

Startup options

Client tools


Batch size option removed

Removed in: v3.12.3

The --batch-size startup option is now ignored by arangobench and no longer has an effect. It allowed you to specify the number of operations to issue in one batch but the batch request API has been removed on the server-side.